Custom Report, Documentation, and Presentation Components
Right-click nodes to select and add these report, documentation, or presentation nodes from the Custom Contents submenu or directly in the context menu for Section nodes under Documentation: Bibliography, Code, Equation, Heading, Image, List, Note, Table, and Text.
The custom components provide basic building blocks for a report or a presentation as described in Table 21-3.
Adds a reference or bibliography to the document. Right-click to add Reference nodes. Available under a Documentation node only.
Adds a heading to the report, document, or presentation with a text from the Text field and a layout for the level (Level 1–Level 6) from the Level list. The default is to use the level where the Heading node appears.
Adds an image to the report, document, or presentation. Select the image source from the Source list: Plot group to select the plot from available plots in the Plot group list; External to use any external image file in PNG, Windows Bitmap (BMP), or JPEG format; or From Export to use an Image node under Results>Export as the source. Add a Caption if desired.
Adds a list. By default, the Numbered check box is selected, giving a numbered list; clear the check box for an unordered (bullet) list. Right-click the List node to add List Item nodes.
Right-click the List node to add this node with a Text area for the list item’s contents. Right-click to add Code, Equation, Image, Table, Text, or other List nodes for inserted texts, equations, images, or tables in the list or for creating nested lists.
Adds a Note node for adding one of the following note types, which you select from the Type list: Note (the default), Caution, Important, Model, See also, or Tip. From the Show list, select Icon (the default) to display the icon only, Description (the type), or Icon and description. Then add the text for the note. Available under a Documentation node only.
Right-click a Bibliography node to add references. The reference information that you provide is formatted based on the type of reference that you select from the Type list: Journal article (the default), Book, Conference paper, Thesis, or Web. Available under a Documentation node only.
Adds a table with a Title and a Number of columns (default: 3 columns). Right-click to add a Table Heading Row and Table Rows.
Right-click the Table node to add this node and then define headings for each column.
Right-click the Table node to add this node and then add the contents for each column in a row of a table.
Provides a Text area where text can be added (including HTML tags for formatting and links).
Text Formatting Tools
For all Text, List Item, and Note nodes’ settings, a set of tools above and below the text field provides a quick way to add formatting to the text:
Buttons for increasing and decreasing the list levels for bullet and numbered lists, including combinations of these list types. Select a line and click Increase Bullet-List Level () to increase the bullet-list level by one step; this is indicated in the text area by the addition of a highlighted asterisk (‘*’) symbol at the beginning of the line or to the right of any already added asterisks or hash symbols (‘#’). The latter character represents a numbered-list level, which can be increased by clicking Increase Numbered-List Level (). Clicking Decrease List Level () removes the innermost (highest) list level at the selected line, which can be either a bullet or numbered level.
From the character tools below the text, click the character that you want to insert; for example, click to insert an uppercase omega as \Omega in the text. The character tools include lowercase and uppercase Greek letters and the en-dash (–) and em-dash (—) punctuation symbols.
Click Preview Selected () to display a preview of the text, including formatting, in the Preview window.