The Template Node
The Template node () contains settings relevant for generating the template as well as the template settings matching the settings available in the main Report node described in the next section. The corresponding settings for all other report nodes that can appear when generating a report are made in their respective template node versions; see The Title Page, The Table of Contents, and the sections listed under Model Contents — Report Components.
Use the Label text field to give your template a descriptive name. This helps you to find the right template to use when generating reports.
In the Template section, choose the initial level — Brief, Intermediate (default), or Complete — from the Use initial settings for level list before you click Generate () to generate the template tree. This setting also applies if you build the template node by node. In this section you also choose how nodes that are disabled or not present in the template are interpreted when the template is used for generating a model report. By default, nodes of the same type — for example Table of Contents, Material, or Solver — are not added to the report.
If you change Default state for deleted or disabled nodes to Include, disabled and absent nodes will be included when generating a report with the settings for the chosen initial level. (Note that the Exclude setting in the template does not prevent you from manually adding any type of node to a report after it has been generated.)
The Generate automatically check box (selected by default) controls if a report created from the template is generated immediately after creation. If you clear this check box, reports based on the template will inherit the template’s settings for the root node but otherwise be empty. Any nodes you add subsequently, either manually or by clicking Generate, will use the settings defined in the template.
Format, Images, and Number Format
In these sections, you can specify the template’s initial values for the report-level settings described next.