Line Segments
Use a Line Segments () node to plot line segments in a 1D plot. The lines can be used to indicate some level, for example. Right-click a 1D Plot Group or Polar Plot Group to add this plot type.
Go to Common Results Node Settings for links to information about these sections: Data, Title, and Coloring and Style. The default for the line colors is to cycle the colors.
Enter two or more values or expressions for the x-coordinates in the table. You must use an equal number of x- and y-coordinates. For general information about adding expressions, see Expressions and Predefined Quantities.
This section is similar to the x-Coordinates section but for the corresponding y-coordinates.
Select the Show legends check box to display the plotted expressions to the right of the plot.
When Automatic is selected from the Legends list (the default), you can add a prefix or a suffix to the automatic legend text in the Prefix and Suffix fields. If Manual is selected from the Legends list, enter your own legend text into the table.