Fill Holes
Use a Fill Holes node () to repair an imported 3D surface mesh that might have minor holes. Fill Holes nodes are available from the Create Entities menu () on the Mesh ribbon or by right-clicking the main Mesh node.
Enter the properties for the Fill Holes node using the following sections:
Boundary Selection
The operation to fill a hole requires a face (boundaries) selection and finds holes in and between all selected faces.
Fill Holes
Holes that have a perimeter less than the tolerance are filled. You specify the tolerance using the Fill holes tolerance list:
Select Automatic (the default), a tolerance that is 10 times the mean element size of the imported mesh is used.
Select Manual to specify the tolerance (SI unit: m) in the Maximum hole perimeter field.
The Join with selected boundaries check box is selected by default. If selected, the created mesh elements (triangles) that fill the hole are added to the surrounding face. If you clear this check box, or if the hole is adjacent to more than one face, the created mesh elements form a new face.
See STL Import 2 — Remeshing an Imported Mesh: Application Library path COMSOL_Multiphysics/Meshing_Tutorials/stl_vertebra_mesh_import.