Use the Offset () node to offset the edges of 2D curve or solid objects in the normal direction. Enter the properties of the offset operation using the following sections:
From the Geometric entity level list, choose the level of the entities to offset: Object, Domain or Boundary (that is, edges in 2D). Then select the objects, domains or edges that you want to offset in the Graphics window. The objects or entities appear in the Input entities list. If the geometry sequence includes user-defined selections above the Offset node, choose Manual to select objects or entities, or choose one of the selection nodes from the list next to Input entities.
Click the Active button to toggle between turning ON and OFF the Input entities selections.
Select the Keep input objects check box to use the selected geometry objects for further geometry operations.
For solid objects and domains the exterior edges will be offset to generate a new solid object.
Enter a Distance for the offset. Switching between a positive and negative number reverses the offset direction. The default 0 distance for the offset creates a copy of the input edges.
Select the Reverse side check box (cleared by default) to reverse the offset direction. This is equivalent to changing the sign of the offset distance.
When offsetting edges of convex corners the operation can create new edges by several methods to close the gap that would result otherwise. From the Convex corner handling list, choose Fillet (default) to add circular arcs that are tangent to both offset edges of convex corners, or choose one of the other available options:
Tangent lines, to create edges, which are tangent to the offset edges in convex corners, up to their intersection point.
Extend edges, to extend the straight and circular offset edges in convex corners until they intersect. Other offset edges are extended by the use of circular arcs with the same tangent and radius of curvature as the offset edge.
No connection, to offset the edges without connecting them together.
When offsetting edges of concave corners select the Trim intersections check box (selected by default) to trim the intruding parts of intersecting offset edges.
Selections of Resulting Entities
Select the Resulting objects selection check box to create predefined selections (for all levels — objects, domains, boundaries, edges, and points — that are applicable) in subsequent nodes in the geometry sequence. To also make all or one of the types of resulting entities (domains, boundaries, edges, and points) that the resulting objects consist of available as selections in all applicable selection lists (in physics and materials settings, for example), choose an option from the Show in physics (Show in instances if in a geometry part; Show in 3D in a plane geometry under a work plane in a 3D component) list: All levels, Domain selection, Boundary selection, or Point selection. The default is Domain selection, which is suitable for use with materials and physics defined in domains. For use with a boundary condition, for example, choose Boundary selection. These selections do not appear as separate selection nodes in the model tree. Select Off to not make any selection available outside of the geometry sequence. From the Color list, choose a color for highlighting the resulting objects selection. See Selection Colors.
Cumulative Selection
If you want to make the resulting entities contribute to a cumulative selection, select a cumulative selection from the Contribute to list (the default, None, gives no contribution), or click the New button to create a new cumulative selection (see Cumulative Selections).
Assigned Attributes
From the Construction geometry list choose On to make the resulting objects available only in the feature’s geometry sequence. The default option Inherit means that the resulting objects become construction geometry if all input objects are construction geometry. Choose Off to never output construction geometry objects. For more information see Construction Geometry.