The Root Settings Windows
The root node is the topmost level of the Model Builder tree and the Explorer tree in the Application Builder. When you click this node, the Settings window for the root node (, or in the Application Builder) opens and includes detailed information about the model file.
Some of the fields in the root node’s Settings window can be edited directly in this window, while others display system information that cannot be changed, or information that changes as updates are made throughout the model (for example, adding a node that requires an additional module license). The Settings window includes the following sections:
Click Set Password next to Editing not protected or Running not protected to enter a password in the Protect Edit with Password or Protect Running with Password dialog boxes. To change the password, click Change Password to enter the previous password and a new password in the Protect Edit with Password or Protect Running with Password dialog boxes. Note that, for the password that protects editing, lost passwords cannot be recovered.
Used Products
The information included here is based on the purchased license or modules. See Checking and Controlling Products and Licenses Used. Also see The About COMSOL Multiphysics Box.
Unit System
The default unit system is SI units. If desired, select another unit system from the list, or select None for no units. See Unit Systems and Setting the Unit System for Models to change the setting globally or locally.
In this section you can specify a title and a description of the model. By default, these texts are used on the title page of a report; see The Title Page. Under Computation time, you can enter an expected computation time in the Expected field. Also, the time after Last is the last measured computation time (if available). To illustrate the model you can also set an image as a thumbnail that displays in this section, when opening a file in the Application Libraries window, and as the default report title page image. See the section Setting and Clearing the Thumbnail Image for details about how to do this.
In this section you specify what to include when saving the model file, either as a file on the file system or in a database using the Model Manager.
Under Built, computed, and plotted data, from the On file list, choose Include (the default) or Exclude to include or exclude such data in the saved model file. Also, from the In database list, choose Include in regular and draft versions (the default), Include in regular versions, Include in draft versions, or Exclude to control what to include when saving models in a Model Manager database.
This settings are also available in the Preferences dialog box, on the Save page under Built, computed, and plotted data: The Default on file and Default in database lists are similar to the On file and In database lists here. Select the Override application settings with defaults from preferences check box if desired. The settings are then taken from the preferences, and the settings on the model’s root node are ignored.
This section is not available from the Application Builder window.
For specifying the color themes used for the Graphics window and selection colors, use the Graphics color theme list, where you can select from all available color themes. The default is to use the default color theme — for example, Default from preferences (Default). You specify the default color theme in the Preferences dialog box, in the Graphics color theme list on the Color Themes page. See Selection Colors for more information about selection colors. For specifying the color themes used for image export and printing, use the Image export color theme list, where you can select from all available color themes. The default is to use the default color theme — for example, Default from preferences (Default). You specify the default color theme in the Preferences dialog box, in the Image export color theme list on the Color Themes page. See Printing and Capturing Screenshots for more information about image export and printing.
For the Font settings, the default is to use the font family that is set in the Preferences dialog box — on the Graphics and Plot Windows page under Default font — with a default font size. Depending on the operating system and the installed fonts on the computer, you can select from a number of other font families from the Family list. The default font is indicated in the default settings for Family (Default from preferences (Vera), for example). For the font size, the Default size setting in the Size list uses the font size that is used in the graphics and plots, which is a system-dependent value. You can also choose another font size between 6 and 24 points or type a font size in the Size combined field and list. The font and the font size affect text in the Graphics window and other plot windows in the COMSOL Desktop and in Graphics form objects in the Application Builder. See Changing the Font for Plot Labels and Titles to make global changes.
This section is only available from the Application Builder window. Select the Ask to save application when closing check box to ask users if they want to save changes in an application when closing it. Also, from the When starting with COMSOL Multiphysics list, you can control the behavior when a user starts COMSOL Multiphysics with the option to open an application or when a user double-clicks an MPH-file in Windows: Select Edit application (the default) to open the COMSOL Desktop for editing the application, or select Run application to launch and run the application directly.
Select the Ignore license errors during launch check box to make it possible to start the application even if not all required licenses are available. It is, however, still not possible to use products when the license is not available, so available API methods will typically have to be used in the application to limit the application’s functionality depending on what licenses are available.