Solve time-dependent problems with explicit time stepping.
 Operation feature. The TimeExplicit solver is used for solving time-dependent PDEs using the classic Runge-Kutta or the Adams-Bashforth 3 explicit time-stepping schemes
Value of the period Δt, when algebraicsolvemethod is set to dt.
Value of N, when algebraicsolvemethod is set to n.
n | dt
Name of the controlling study step or "user" if the feature is controlled manually.
Interpolate the last time specified in the list of output times, if true. If set to false, the last output time is solved and not interpolated. In particular, the solver does not take steps past the last time.
on | off
erk | ab3 | ab3loc
on | off
tsteps | tout
tsteps | tout
Probed to use if probesel=manual.
all | none | manual
on | off
tlist | tsteps | tstepsclosest
Times to store: output times by interpolation; every Nth step taken by solver; or steps taken by solver closest to output times.
manual | elemexprs
Value of N for every Nth step from the solver to store when tout is set to tsteps.
The order of the Runge-Kutta method can be set by the erkorder property. The size of the time step is controlled through the property rktimestep and can be given as a single scalar value, a (strictly monotone) numeric vector, or an expression using variables with global scope, which results in a scalar. For Adams-Bashforth 3 only a scalar constant value of the time step is allowed. Time stepping from expressions tstepping=elemexprs is useful for the Wave form PDE interface. A local time-stepping version of Adams-Bashforth 3 is available for the Wave Form PDE interface by odesolver = ab3loc.