PlotGroup1D, PlotGroup2D, PlotGroup3D
Create a 1D, 2D, or 3D plot group.
model.result().create(<pgtag>, dim);
model.result(<pgtag>).set(property, <value>);
model.result().create(<pgtag>,dim) creates a plot group named <pgtag> of view dimension dim. A plot group is a group of plots that are shown together in a graphics or plot window.
2D and 3D plot groups can include selections of geometric entities. See Selections.
1D plot groups contain graph plots.
The following properties are available for 1D plot groups:
on | off
on | off
automatic | engineering | scientific
on | off
none | dataset name
on | off
on | off
on | off
on | off
on | off
all | first | last | manual | manualindices | interp
How to input the solution to use. manual indicates that solnum is used. manualindices indicates that solnumindices is used. interp indicates that t is used.
The times to use, for transient levels. Available when data is not none and the underlying data is transient.
upperright | middleright | lowerright | upperleft | middleleft | lowerleft | middleright | center | middleleft | manual
All solutions on all levels
An alternative way to specify the solutions to use, allowing you to enter, for example, range(1,1,20). Applicable when looplevelinput is manualindices on a level.
String array with all | first | last | manual | manualindices | interp on each level
all on all levels
How to input the solution to use, per level. manual on a level indicates that looplevel is used on that level. manualindices on a level indicates that looplevelindices is used on that level. interp on a level indicates that interp is used on that level.
on | off
all | first | last | manual | manualindices
How to input the outer solutions to use. Applicable only for parametric sweep models. manual indicates that outersolnum is used. manualindices indicates that outersolnumindices is used.
on | off
on | off
on | off
on | off
An alternative way to specify the solutions to use, allowing you to enter, for example, range(1,1,20). Applicable when innerinput is manualindices.
solnum | solutioninfo
true | false
on | off
on | off
The title to use when titletype is manual.
true | false
Always show the imaginary part when titlenumberformat is stopwatch or stopwatchsci.
true | false
Always show the sign when titlenumberformat is stopwatch or stopwatchsci.
true | false
Always show the sign of the exponent when titlenumberformat is stopwatchsci.
custom | black | blue | cyan | gray | green | magenta | red | white | yellow
The number of decimals for numerical values in the title when titlenumberformat is stopwatch or stopwatchsci.
default | auto | engineering | scientific | stopwatch | stopwatchsci
true | false
The precision for numerical values in the title when titlenumberformat is auto, engineering, or scientific.
true | false
Include trailing zeros when titlenumberformat is auto, engineering, or scientific.
auto | custom | label | manual | none
auto, if the title should be computed automatically. custom, if the title should be computed automatically, but customized. label, if the title should be the plot group’s label. manual, if the manual title should be used (the title property). none, if no title should be displayed.
true | false
on | off
on | off
on | off
on if a manual x-axis label should be used, off if it should be computed automatically.
on | off
on | off
on if a manual y-axis label should be used, off if it should be computed automatically.
on | off
on | off
on | off
on if a manual secondary y-axis label should be used, off if it should be computed automatically.
graphics | new | windowX, where X is an integer
on | off
Set windowtitleactive to on to enter a manual window title in windowtitle.
The following properties are available for 2D and 3D plot groups:
x | y | z (3D only)
The array axis, if arrayshape is linear.
xy | yz | xz
The array plane, if arrayshape is square in a 3D plot group.
linear | square
The plot array shape, if plotarrayenable is set to on.
on | off
on | off
automatic | engineering | scientific
on | off
none | dataset name
on | off
custom | black | blue | cyan | gray | green | magenta | red | white | yellow
on | off
on | off
mesh | material | spatial | geometry | fromdataset
The frame used when dataset edges are plotted. Use fromdataset to take the frame from the dataset.
on | off
Time corresponding to last selected solnum for transient levels
The time to use, for transient levels. Available when data is not none and the underlying data is transient.
on | off
custom | black | blue | cyan | gray | green | magenta | red | white | yellow
on | off
automatic | engineering | scientific
alternating | bottom | left | leftdouble | right | rightdouble
on | off
The index of the solution to use, per level, or interp, but only for transient solutions. Available when data is not none and the underlying data has multiple solutions.
rowmajor | columnmajor
relative | absolute
relative | absolute
on | off
on | off
on | off
on | off
on | off
on | off
solnum | solutioninfo
on | off
true | false
on | off
on if t is used to determine time steps; off if solnum is used.
The title to use when titletype is manual.
true | false
auto | custom | label | manual | none
auto, if the title should be computed automatically. custom, if the title should be computed automatically, but customized. label, if the title should be the plot group’s label. manual, if the manual title should be used (the title property). none, if no title should be displayed.
on | off
on | off
auto | view name
The view settings to use when displaying this plot group. auto indicates that the view is selected automatically, or be created if there is none. Typically geometry-based datasets such as solution or mesh datasets use the current geometry view.
graphics | new | windowX, where X is an integer
on | off
Set windowtitleactive to on to enter a manual window title in windowtitle.
on | off
on if a manual x-axis label should be used, off if it should be computed automatically. Available for 2D plot groups.
on | off
on if a manual y-axis label should be used, off if it should be computed automatically. Available for 2D plot groups.
2D and 3D Plot Properties for Plot Arrays
When you have enabled the plotarrayenable property for a 2D or 3D plot group, all plots in that plot group support a few extra properties related to the plot array. See the following table for information about those properties:
true | false
The array index if manualindexing is set to true for a linear plot array.
true | false
The column index if manualindexing is set to true for a square plot array.
true | false
The row index if manualindexing is set to true for a square plot array.
See Also
EvaluationGroup, PolarGroup, Solution, SmithGroup