The arrow scaling: Proportional uses the actual arrow length, normalized a unit length, and logarithmic a length proportional to the logarithm of the arrow length.
If arrowscaleactive is true: the length scale factor.
If true, arrowscale is used, otherwise the scale factor is computed automatically.
Active when pointtype is set to comettail. Determines the direction in which the comet tail points and the relative sizes of the tails of different particles.
head | tail
none | specifiedtimes| proportional
If inheritplot is not none: Determines if the arrow scale is inherited.
none | plot name
none | uniform
double > 1
If arrowlength is logarithmic: The ratio between the maximum arrow length and the arrow length below which no arrow is drawn.
If extrasteps is specifiedtimes, controls the maximum number of extra time steps to render in the plot.
on | off
on | off
If extrasteps is proportional, controls the maximum number of extra time steps to render in the plot. The maximum number of extra steps is the product of this proportionality factor with the number of solution times.
on | off
If on, sphereradiusscale is used; otherwise the scale factor is computed automatically.
manual | parent
If data is a local dataset with nontrivial data, specify solutions manually or take them from the parent plot group.
Active when pointtype is set to comettail and tailscaleactive is on. Specifies the manual scale factor with which the comet tail expression is multiplied.
on | off
on | off
If true, widthscale is used; otherwise, the scale factor is computed automatically.