Create edges in a component without geometry.
Use model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).create(<ftag>,"CreateEdges") to create additional edges in a component without geometry.
Choose between creating new meshed edges between vertices or converting existing mesh edges into edge elements. In the general case, converting mesh edges is most easily done by clicking in the Graphics window, as the midpoint coordinates must be exact.
When specifying start/end vertices, specify the size distribution in four different ways: by specifying the number of elements only, by specifying the maximum element size, by specifying the element distribution explicitly, or by specifying the number of elements together with properties determining the distribution of the elements. The property type determines which of the four alternatives you want to use.
The following properties are available:
vertices | meshedge
size | number | explicit | predefined
Size distribution type when edgespec is vertices.
Enter exact midpoint coordinates of mesh edge when edgespec is meshedges. Use setIndex syntax.
on | off
arithmetic | geometric
on | off
on | off
See Also
CreateDomains, CreateFaces, CreateVertices