Use the stat() method on the meshing sequence to determine the number of elements of different types and the quality of elements. Use the info() method to obtain topological information, the number of geometric entities, and so forth. When importing mesh, use infoCurrent() to obtain topological information about the current (last built) mesh feature, and info() to obtain this information about the finalized mesh. See Geometry Object Information Methods (GeomInfo) for a list of available methods.
The stat() method returns an object with a collection of methods that can be queried for statistical information about the current mesh. There is also a selection,
which is used to select geometric entities for which the statistics is calculated. The default selection is the entire geometry. The methods described below also exist directly on the meshing sequence. These methods always return statistics for the entire geometry.
Statistics can be requested per element type. The type is given as a string, denoted type, and the possible types are listed in the following table.
Table 4-6: Element Types
The parameter string all gives statistics for all elements with the same dimension as the maximal dimension of the current selection. For example, if the entire geometry is selected in 2D, the parameter all provides combined statistics for triangular and quadrilateral elements.
To specify the mesh quality measure to use, use the setQualityMeasure method. For example,
To get the current mesh quality measure, use the getQualityMeasure method:
String model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).stat().getQualityMeasure()
The following mesh quality measures are available:
Curved skewness. This measure is defined as the elementwise product of skewness and reldetjacmin, which is a measure of the deformation when generating the higher-order element.