Physics-Controlled Meshing
A physics-controlled meshing sequence examines the physics to automatically determine size attributes and sequence operations needed to create a mesh adapted to the problem. The physics-controlled sequence is based on heuristics and knowledge built-in by application experts. It is not adapted by numerical error estimates — that type of adaptation is provided by mesh adaptation in the solver sequence.
When a mesh is built or a problem solved, the physics-controlled sequence is updated to match the currently active physics. If the sequence is in any other state than physics-controlled, it is not updated or modified before it is built.
By default, a meshing sequence is in the physics-controlled state. If you manually add a feature to the sequence or edit a feature, the sequence automatically switches to the user-controlled state. It is also possible to explicitly switch to user-controlled state by entering
To switch back to physics-controlled mesh, enter
The current sequence is then modified or overwritten next time the sequence is built or the problem is solved.
Use model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).isAutomatic() to determine in which state the sequence is.
You can adjust the overall size of a physics-induced mesh by using the method
The value 5 of <size> corresponds to the default size, the values 4, 3, 2, and 1 give you an increasingly finer mesh, whereas the values 6, 7, 8, and 9 give you a coarser mesh. The method model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).autoMeshSize() returns the current size adjustment.