Adding a Mesh Feature
To add a feature to a mesh with tag <tag>, enter
where <ftag> is the feature’s tag (an identifier of your choice), and ftype is the feature’s type. Feature types are capitalized and case-sensitive (for example, FreeTet).
When you add a feature, it is inserted after the current feature. You can get the tag of the current feature type by entering
String ftag = model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).current();
If ftag is the empty string, the current feature is the beginning of the meshing sequence, that is, the empty state before all features. Adding a meshing feature, it automatically becomes current, but it is not built automatically.
For some operation features it is possible to add attribute features. To add an attribute feature to an operation feature, enter
where <ftag1> is the attribute feature’s tag (an identifier of your choice), and ftype is the attribute feature’s type.
All properties in a new feature get a default value.