Create geometry (deformed configuration) from a (deformed) mesh.
To create a geometry sequence from a deformed mesh, use the createDeformedConfig method on a solution dataset, see Solution. Such a geometry sequence contains a FromMesh feature. This feature has the following properties
on | off | none
solnum | none
If the solver used a parametric sweep, then outertype is solnum. Only used if enableupdate is on.
solnum | none
on | off
The timeinterp property is on if solnum is interp.
These properties determine the solution from which the deformed mesh is taken. You should not change the properties solution, enableupdate, outertype, solvertype, timeinterp, or solnumdescr. Only change the properties outersolnum, solnum, and t (but only if enableupdate is on).
model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).feature(<ftag>).importData() updates the geometry based on the current value of the solution in the feature’s corresponding solver sequence.