Extract vertices, edges, faces, domains to new objects of the corresponding level, or extract geometric objects to keep only the extracted objects and delete all other objects.
Use model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).create(<ftag>,"Extract") to extract geometric entities and objects.
Use model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).feature(<ftag>).selection("input") to select the entities to extract. To set the selection level for the selection object, and to select the input entities see Geometry Object Selection Methods.
The default selection is empty.
keep | remainder | remove
none | custom | integer between 1 and the number of colors in the current theme
The color to use. Active when color is set to custom.
on | off
all | obj | dom | bnd | edg | pnt | off
Show selections, if selresult is on, in physics, materials, and so on; in part instances; or in 3D from a plane geometry. obj is not available in a component’s geometry. dom, bnd, and edg are not available in all features.
For information about the selresult and contributeto properties, see Selections of Geometric Entities.
The following attributes are available:
Table 3-76: Valid attributes
on | off | inherit
Designate the resulting objects as construction geometry. Use inherit to set the construction geometry attribute only if all input objects are construction geometry.
See Also