The Utility Class Node
The Utility Class node () contains a utility class with methods that you can call from other methods. To add a new Utility Class node, right-click the Libraries node () and choose Utility Class or click the Utility Class button in the ribbon toolbar. Enter the name of the utility class in the Name field.
A utility class makes it possible to share Java code between methods in your applications and to copy implementations between applications. You can call methods declared in your utility class from any other method in your application. To edit the utility class code, double-click the Utility Class node, or right-click it and choose Edit (). An editor window opens, where you can edit the code for the utility class. Depending on the View all code preference setting, you see just method declarations or the full class.
As an example, consider the following method, which builds all geometries in the application:
public static void runAllGeom() {
The name of the utility class must be the same as the tag of the utility class node. Suppose that the Utility Class node is named util1. You would call the method above by typing util1.runAllGeom(); in any other method.
If you enable the View all code preference setting, the code editor shows that the utility class extends an abstract base class called ApplicationLanguageBase. This inheritance makes it possible to access the model object (as exemplified above) and use other convenience methods. You can also remove this inheritance to make classes that you can instantiate and even extend another utility class or other accessible class. The package of the utility class is builder, and you are advised to keep this name.