All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractModel |
Base model object.
AbstractSelection |
Base class for all selections.
AppFeature |
Application feature.
AppFeatureList |
Application feature list.
AppView |
View copy used when running applications.
AppViewList |
List of view copies used when running applications.
BatchFeature |
A batch job or a task.
BatchFeatureList |
List of tasks.
BatchList |
List of batch jobs.
BEMFeature |
Boundary element.
BEMFeatureList |
List of boundary elements.
CapeOpen |
CAPE-OPEN interface.
CapeOpenFeature |
CAPE-OPEN feature.
CapeOpenFeatureList |
List of CAPE-OPEN features.
Coeff |
Coefficient form equations.
CoeffFeature |
Coefficient form feature.
CoeffFeatureList |
List of coefficient form features.
CoeffList |
List of coefficient form equations.
CommonFeature |
Common definitions feature.
CommonList |
List of common definitions features.
ComponentCommonList |
List of common definitions features for a component.
ComponentCoordsysList |
List of coordinate systems for a component.
ComponentCplList |
List of component couplings for a component.
ComponentExprList |
List of variable collections for a component.
ComponentExtraDimList |
List of extra dimension features for a component.
ComponentFunctionFeatureList |
List of functions for a component.
ComponentGeomList |
List of geometry sequences for a component.
ComponentMaterialList |
List of materials for a component.
ComponentMeshList |
List of meshes for a component.
ComponentMultiphysicsCouplingList |
List of multiphysics couplings for a component.
ComponentPairList |
List of pairs for a component.
ComponentPhysicsList |
List of physics interfaces for a component.
ComponentProbeFeatureList |
List of probes for a component.
ComponentPropFeatureList |
Base interface for lists of features using properties.
ComponentSelectionList |
List of named selections for a component.
ComponentViewList |
List of views for a component.
Constr |
ConstrFeature |
Constraint feature.
ConstrFeatureList |
List of constraint features.
ConstrList |
List of constraints.
Coordsys |
Coordinate system.
CoordsysList |
List of coordinate systems.
CosimCallbackHandler |
Cpl |
Component coupling.
CplList |
List of component couplings.
CumulativeSelection |
Cumulative selection.
DatasetFeature |
Datasets represent the source of data for plotting, for example by
pointing to a solution and a geometry or by providing a
transformation from another dataset, e.g.
DatasetFeatureList |
List of datasets.
Element |
ElementSet |
Mesh element set.
ElementSetList |
List of mesh element sets.
ElemFeature |
Element feature.
ElemFeatureList |
List of element features.
ElemList |
List of elements.
EquationViewParent |
Interface for entities for entities that supports Equation View.
EvaluationFeature |
Evaluation features evaluate numerical data, such as integrals over a
specific set of boundaries.
EvaluationFeatureList |
List of evaluation features.
EvaluationGroupFeature |
Evaluation group feature.
EvaluationGroupFeatureList |
List of evaluation group features.
Event |
Solver event.
EventList |
List of solver events.
ExportFeature |
Export feature.
ExportFeatureList |
List of export features.
Expr |
Variable collection.
ExpressionBase |
Base interface for variable collections and parameters.
ExpressionEntity |
Expression entity.
ExprList |
List of variable collections.
ExternalInterfaceFeature |
External interface feature.
ExternalInterfaceFeatureList |
List of external interface features.
ExtraDimFeature |
Extra dimension feature.
ExtraDimList |
List of extra dimension features.
FeatureInfo |
Variable and system of equation changes.
FeatureInfoList |
List of variable and system of equation changes.
Field |
FieldList |
List of fields.
FileResource |
A file that is referenced by one or more model features.
FileResourceList |
This list contains files that are referenced by model features.
FormFeature |
Form feature.
FormFeatureList |
A list representation of form features.
Frame |
FrameFeature |
Frame feature.
FrameFeatureList |
List of frame features.
FrameList |
List of frames.
FunctionFeature |
FunctionFeatureList |
List of functions.
GenericModelEntityList<T extends ModelEntity> |
Base interface for lists of model entities.
GeomAttribute |
Geometry Attribute.
GeomAttributeList |
Geometry Attribute List.
GeomContainer |
Container of geometry objects.
GeomDefeature |
Geometry defeaturing.
GeomExport |
Geometry export feature.
GeomFeature |
Geometry feature.
GeomFeatureList |
List of geometry features.
GeomInfo |
Interface for getting information about a geometric model (a geometry
or a mesh).
In the GeomSequence interface, the GeomInfo methods give
information about the finalized geometry of the geometry sequence.
GeomInfoBase |
Geometry information.
GeomList |
List of geometry sequences.
GeomMeasure |
Geometry measure feature.
GeomMeasureFinal |
Geometry measure final feature.
GeomMeshFeature |
Base interface for geometries and meshes.
GeomObject |
Geometry object.
GeomObjectGroupSelection |
Geometry object group selection.
GeomObjectList |
List of geometry objects.
GeomObjectSelection |
Geometry object selection.
GeomObjectSelectionFeature |
Named geometry object selection.
GeomObjectSelectionFeatureList |
List of named geometry object selections.
GeomProblemFeature |
Geometry problem feature.
GeomProblemFeatureList |
List of geometry problem features.
GeomSequence |
Geometry sequence.
GeomSubsequence |
Geometry part.
GeomSubsequenceCallFeature |
Geometry part instance feature.
Group |
A Group is a definition of a custom identifier which can be used to
group physics features together for easier access in load cases.
GroupList |
The group list contains all Group objects in the model.
HideDraw |
Hide feature with geometry objects.
HideDrawList |
List of hide features with geometry objects.
HideGeom |
Hide feature with geometric entities.
HideGeomList |
List of hide features with geometric entities.
HideMesh |
Hide feature with mesh entities.
HideMeshList |
List of hide features with geometric entities.
History |
Modeling history.
IListMove |
Interface for a list supporting the move operation.
Information |
Material information objects.
InformationList |
List of material information objects.
Init |
Initial values.
InitList |
List of initial values.
IntRule |
Integration rule.
IntRuleFeature |
Integration rule feature.
IntRuleFeatureList |
List of integration rule features.
IntRuleList |
List of integration rules.
IPlotAndImageExport |
Interface for adding support for plotting and image export.
LocalGeomObjectSelection |
Local geometry object selection.
LocalSelection |
Selection of a feature.
Material |
MaterialList |
List of materials.
MaterialModel |
Material property group.
MaterialModelList |
List of material property groups.
MeshData |
Mesh data.
MeshExport |
Mesh export.
MeshFeature |
Mesh feature.
MeshFeatureList |
List of mesh features.
MeshList |
List of meshes.
MeshNative |
Native mesh object.
MeshProblemFeature |
Mesh problem feature.
MeshProblemFeatureList |
List of mesh problem features.
MeshSelection |
Mesh selection.
MeshSequence |
Meshing sequence.
MeshStatistics |
Mesh statistics.
MethodCallFeature |
Method call feature.
MethodCallFeatureList |
A list representation for method call features.
Model |
Model object.
ModelChangedHandler |
Interface for handle updates of the client when another client
has modified any models in use by this client.
ModelChangeInfo |
Information about changes to models by other clients.
ModelEntity |
Base interface for model object entities.
ModelEntityImage |
Plotting and image export.
ModelEntityList<T extends ModelEntity> |
Base interface for lists of model object entities.
ModelNode |
Model node.
ModelNodeList |
List of model component nodes.
ModelParam |
ModelParamGroup |
Parameter group.
ModelParamGroupCase |
Parameter group case.
ModelParamGroupCaseList |
List of model parameter group cases.
ModelParamGroupList |
List of model parameter groups.
ModelUtil |
Class with static methods for managing models.
ModelUtilInternal |
Client model utility methods which are not in the public API.
MultigridLevel |
Multigrid level.
MultigridLevelList |
List of multigrid levels.
MultiphysicsCoupling |
Multiphysics Coupling.
MultiphysicsCouplingList |
List of multiphysics couplings.
NodeGroup |
Node group.
NodeGroupList |
List of node groups.
NumericalBaseFeature |
Numerical features evaluate numerical data, such as integrals over a
specific set of boundaries.
NumericalFeature |
Numerical features evaluate numerical data, such as integrals over a
specific set of boundaries.
NumericalFeatureList |
List of numerical features.
Ode |
Global equation.
OdeList |
List of global equations.
OptFeature |
Optimization feature.
OptFeatureList |
The objective feature list, the bound feature list, the gconstr
feature list, and the scale feature list.
OptSequence |
Pair |
PairList |
List of pairs.
ParamBase |
Base interface for sets of parameters.
ParameterContainer |
Interface for entities containing parameters.
ParameterEntity |
Base interface for entities with parameters.
Physics |
Physics interface.
PhysicsFeature |
Physics feature.
PhysicsFeatureList |
List of physics features.
PhysicsField |
Physics field.
PhysicsFieldList |
List of physics fields.
PhysicsList |
List of physics interfaces.
PhysicsProp |
Physics property.
PhysicsPropList |
List of physics properties.
PrimitiveModelEntity |
Base interface for model object entities.
ProbeFeature |
ProbeFeatureList |
List of probes.
ProblemFeature |
Generic problem node feature.
ProblemList |
List of problem nodes.
PropFeature |
Base interface for object using properties.
PropFeatureList<T extends PropFeature> |
Base interface for lists of features using properties.
ReducedModel |
Reduced model feature.
ReducedModelList |
ReportFeature |
Model report feature.
ReportFeatureList |
List of model report features.
ResultBaseFeature |
Provides a base class for common functionality used by post, dataset,
export and numerical features.
ResultFeature |
Post features represent plots, plot groups and their attributes.
ResultFeatureList |
A list representation for result features.
ResultParam |
Result parameters.
ResultProblemFeature |
Represents a problem detected during postprocessing.
ResultProblemFeatureList |
A list of a problems detected during postprocessing.
Results |
The top level object for the postprocessing hierarchy.
SavePoint |
Save point.
SavePointData |
Container holding selections and hide features used by result
SavePointDataList |
Containers holding selections and hide features used by result
SavePointGeom |
A container of selections and hide features on a geometry in the save
point model.
SavePointGeomList |
Containers of selections and hide features on a geometry in the save
point model.
SavePointHideGeom |
A hide feature used by result features.
SavePointHideGeomList |
Hide features used by result features.
SavePointSelection |
A selection used by result feature.
SavePointSelectionList |
Selections used by result features.
SavePointView |
A view used by result features.
SavePointViewList |
Views used by result features.
Selection |
SelectionContainer |
Selection container.
SelectionEntity |
Base interface for model object entities with a selection.
SelectionFeature |
Named selection.
SelectionList |
List of named selections.
ServerBusyHandler |
Class which controls how long a client will wait for a busy server
to become free again.
Shape |
Shape function.
ShapeFeature |
Shape function feature.
ShapeFeatureList |
List of shape function features.
ShapeList |
List of shape functions.
SolutionInfo |
Solution information.
SolverFeature |
Solver feature.
SolverFeatureList |
List of solver features.
SolverProblemFeature |
Solver problem feature.
SolverProblemFeatureList |
List of solver problem features.
SolverSequence |
Solver sequence.
SolverSequenceList |
Solver problem feature.
Study |
List of study features.
StudyContainer |
Container of study.
StudyFeature |
Study step.
StudyFeatureList |
List of study steps.
StudyList |
List of studies.
TableBaseFeature |
Base class for table features.
TableFeature |
Contains numerical results, possibly from different sources.
TableFeatureList |
List of table features.
Thermodynamics |
Thermodynamics interface.
ThermodynamicsFeature |
Thermodynamics feature.
ThermodynamicsFeatureList |
List of Thermodynamics features.
Unit |
UnitList |
List of units.
UnitSystem |
Unit system.
UnitSystemList |
List of unit systems.
View |
ViewBase |
Base interface for views.
ViewFeature |
View feature.
ViewFeatureList |
List of view features.
ViewList |
List of views.
Weak |
Weak form equations.
WeakList |
List of weak form equations.
WorkPlaneFeature |
Work plane.
XDLocalSelection |
Local selection supporting extra dimensions.
XmeshInfo |
Extended mesh information.
XmeshInfoDofs |
Extended mesh degrees of freedom information.
XmeshInfoElements |
Extended mesh element information.
XmeshInfoNodes |
Extended mesh node information.