The Surface Reaction subnode under
Porous Catalyst is used to define surface reaction source terms to the mass transport within the catalyst.
From the Selection list, choose the domains (from its parent feature) on which the surface reaction rate is defined.
Select a surface reaction rate (SI unit: mol/(m2·s)) for species
i from
Rsi list. Enter a reaction rate expression when
User defined is selected from the list. Alternatively, if surface reaction rate expressions have been defined in a Chemistry interface, they can be chosen from the list.
Select a surface reaction rate (SI unit: mol/(m2·s)) for adsorbed species cads_
i from
Rscads_i list. If
User defined is selected from the list, enter a surface reaction rate expression. Alternatively, if surface reaction rate expressions have been defined in a Chemistry interface, they can be chosen from the list.
Select a surface reaction rate (SI unit: mol/(m2·s)) from
column Surface reaction rate for a surface species which is defined in the parent feature. With
User defined being selected, the table cell at the same row under column
Surface rate expression (mol/(m2·s)) is editable (otherwise it is read-only), and enter a surface reaction rate expression. Alternatively, if surface reaction rate expressions have been defined in a Chemistry interface, they can be chosen from the list under column
Surface reaction rate.