The Outlet node adds a set of boundary conditions that describe outlets in fluid-flow simulations; that is, the conditions at boundaries where the fluid exits the domain.
Liquid Boundary Condition
Select a Liquid boundary conditionPressure (the default), Velocity, or Fully developed flow.
Pressure Conditions
The Pressure condition specifies the normal stress which in most cases is approximately equal to the pressure. The tangential stress component is set to 0 N/m2.
Enter the Pressure p0 (SI unit: Pa) at the boundary. The default is 0 Pa. Enter a relative pressure value in p0 (SI unit: Pa). Or if the reference pressure pref defined at the physics interface level is equal to 0 Pa, enter an absolute pressure in p0.
Select the Normal flow check box to change the no tangential stress condition to a no tangential velocity condition. This forces the flow to exit (or enter) the domain perpendicularly to the outlet boundary.
The Suppress backflow check box is selected by default. This option adjusts the outlet pressure in order to reduce the amount of fluid entering the domain through the boundary.
For Velocity click the Velocity field (the default) or Normal outflow velocity buttons.
For Velocity field specify that the velocity at the boundary is equal to a given u0 (SI unit: m/s) and enter the components in the matrix:
For Normal outflow velocity enter a value or expression for U0 (SI unit: m/s).
Fully Developed Flow
This boundary condition is applicable when the flow exits the domain into a long pipe or channel, at the end of which a flow profile is fully developed.
The boundary conditions for the virtual inlet channel are inherited from the boundaries adjacent to the outlet channel. Virtual boundaries adjacent to walls (except slip walls) are treated as no-slip walls. Virtual boundaries adjacent to any other type of boundary are treated as slip-walls (or equivalently as symmetry boundaries).
Select a Fully developed flow optionAverage velocity (the default), Flow rate, or Average pressure.
Gas Boundary Condition
The settings for the Gas boundary condition are the same as for Wall. See Gas Boundary Condition.
When the Gas boundary condition is set to Gas outlet, the Exterior gas condition(s) section contains an input field for the Effective gas density on the downstream side of the outlet. If Solve for interfacial area is selected at the physics interface level, additional input fields appear for the Bubble number density or the Bubble diameter and gas density on the downstream side of the outlet.
See Outlet in the Single-Phase Flow interfaces