Selecting the Space Dimension for the Model Geometry
Most of the problems solved with COMSOL Multiphysics are three-dimensional (3D) in the real world. In many cases, it is sufficient to solve a two-dimensional (2D) problem that is close, or equivalent, to the real problem.
This is because 2D models are easier to modify and faster to solve. Thus, modeling mistakes are much easier to find when working in 2D. Once the 2D model is verified, you are in a much better position to build a 3D model.
2D Problems
Cartesian Coordinates
In this case you view a cross section in the xy-plane of the actual 3D geometry. The geometry is mathematically extended to infinity in both directions along the z-axis, assuming no variation along that axis. All the total flows in and out of boundaries are per unit length along the z-axis. A simplified way of looking at this is to assume that the geometry is extruded one unit length from the cross section along the z-axis. The total flow out of each boundary is then from the face created by the extruded boundary (a boundary in 2D is a line).
There are usually two approaches that lead to a 2D cross-section view of a problem:
Electromagnetic Forces on Parallel Current-Carrying Wires: Application Library path ACDC_Module/Verification_Examples/parallel_wires
The geometry has a finite width but the model neglects the (end) effects from the faces parallel to the cross section because the strongest forces are between the perpendicular faces (those seen as lines in the cross section).
Figure 3-1: The cross sections and their real geometry for Cartesian coordinates (left) and cylindrical coordinates (axial symmetry).
Axial Symmetry (Cylindrical Coordinates)
The spatial coordinates are called r and z, where r is the radius. The flow at the boundaries is given per unit length along the third dimension. Since this dimension is a revolution, you have to multiply all flows with αr, where α is the revolution angle (for example, 2π for a full turn).
High Voltage Insulator: Application Library path ACDC_Module/Capacitive_Devices/high_voltage_insulator
2D Field Variables
When solving for a vector field in 2D, the physics interface has three options: to solve for the out-of-plane vector, the in-plane vector, or the three-component vector. Depending on the choice, the available source specification options on the domain, boundary, edge, and point levels change accordingly.
3D Problems
Although COMSOL Multiphysics fully supports arbitrary 3D geometries, it is important to simplify the problem. This is because 3D problems easily get large and require more computer power, memory, and time to solve. The extra time spent on simplifying a problem is probably well spent when solving it.
Is it possible to solve the problem in 2D?
Given that the necessary approximations are small, the solution is more accurate in 2D because a much denser mesh can be used. See 2D Problems if this is applicable.
Do you know the dependence in one direction so it can be replaced by an analytical function?
You can use this approach either to convert 3D to 2D or to convert a layer to a boundary condition (see Simplifying the Geometry Using Boundary Conditions).
Are there symmetries in the geometry and model?
Many problems have planes where the solution on either side of the plane looks the same. A good way to check this is to flip the geometry around the plane, for example, by turning it upside down around the horizontal plane. You can then remove the geometry below the plane if you do not see any differences between the two cases regarding geometry, materials, and sources. Boundaries created by the cross section between the geometry and this plane need a symmetry boundary condition, which is available in all 3D physics interfaces.
Eddy Currents: Application Library path ACDC_Module/Inductive_Devices_and_Coils/eddy_currents