Electric Scalar-Scalar Potential Coupling
The Electric Scalar-Scalar Potential Coupling multiphysics node assures continuity of the electric potential across boundaries between The Electrostatics Interface and The Electrostatics, Boundary Elements Interface. The Electric Scalar-Scalar Potential Coupling node is available from the Multiphysics menu in the Physics toolbar or by right-clicking the Multiphysics Couplings node in Model Builder, if both The Electrostatics Interface and The Electrostatics, Boundary Elements Interface are available.
The Electrostatics Interface and The Electrostatics, Boundary Elements Interface can also be coupled by using the same name for the dependent variable for both interfaces. Then Electric Scalar-Scalar Potential Coupling is not needed. How to set the name for the dependent variable is described in the Dependent Variables section.
When using The Electrostatics, Boundary Elements Interface with iterative solvers, Right Preconditioning is preferred. Thus, it is advised to check that Right Preconditioning is used when combining the Electric Scalar-Scalar Potential Coupling with The Electrostatics, Boundary Elements Interface and other physics interfaces. How to define Right Preconditioning is described in Iterative in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
Boundary Selection
Select Manual or All boundaries from the Selection list. Make additional edits to the list of boundary entity numbers using the Selection toolbar buttons. When All boundaries is selected from the Selection list, the boundaries exterior to the Electrostatics interface that intersect the exterior boundaries to the Electrostatics, Boundary Elements interface are available in the boundary entity number list.
Coupled Interfaces
Select Electrostatics, Boundary Elements as Primary interface and Electrostatics as Secondary interface.