Dependent Variables in Contact Analysis
The Contact and its subnodes will generate a number of degrees of freedom depending on the settings and study type. You will see these degrees of freedom appear under Dependent Variables in the solver sequence. There are two types of extra variables created:
Variables changed until convergence is reached during the iterations. These variables appear in the Lumped Step nodes in the Segregated solver or in the Fully Coupled node.
If you change settings in the Contact or Friction nodes after the solver sequence has been generated, dependent variables may be added or removed. The second case is never a problem, but when new dependent variables are created, they are not automatically added to the groups in the segregated solver. You may then encounter the error message “Segregated solver steps do not involve all components.” You can then either regenerate the solver sequence, or manually insert the missing variables into the Lumped Step node.
In Table 2-11 the dependent variables that can be created by the Contact and its subnodes are summarized. To shorten the variable names, the full scope has been removed. As an example, the contact pressure variable for pair p1 in component comp1, generated in the Solid Mechanics interface solid, will have the full name similar to comp1.solid.Tn_p1. In the table, it is shown as Tn.
Contact: Augmented Lagrangian used
Friction: Augmented Lagrangian used
Contact: Penalty, dynamic or Augmented Lagrangian, dynamic used
Friction or Slip velocity: Store accumulated slip selected
Contact: Add contact status to solver log selected
Contact: Add contact status to solver log selected. Friction node present.
Contact: Add contact status to solver log selected. Friction node present.
Friction present and Compute frictional dissipation selected.
Slip velocity present and Compute frictional dissipation selected.
Decohesion node present and Displacement- based damage selected
Decohesion node present and Energy-based damage selected
Decohesion node present and Delayed damage selected
Decohesion node present and Compute damage dissipation energy selected.