Medium Properties
Use the Medium Properties node to specify the refractive index of the medium. An instance of this feature is created by default, including all of the selected domains for the physics interface. For the region outside the geometry and for any domains not included in the physics interface selection, the refractive index is instead controlled by the Optical dispersion model in the physics interface Material Properties of Exterior and Unmeshed Domains section.
Medium Properties
Use the settings in this section to specify how the real part of the refractive index is defined. If the ray intensity or power is computed, then you can also specify the imaginary part of the refractive index, which is used to describe absorption within the medium.
Refractive Index of Domains
Choose an option from the Refractive index of domains list:
If Specify absolute refractive index (the default) is selected, the Refractive index, real part can be taken From material, or it can be entered directly. The default value is 1. This index is considered absolute, i.e. relative to vacuum.
If Specify relative refractive index is selected, the Refractive index, real part can be taken From material, or it can be entered directly. The default value is 1. Then enter the Reference temperature Tref,rel (SI unit: K, default 293.15 K) and the Reference pressure Pref,rel (SI unit: Pa, default 0). The given refractive index is understood to be relative to air; that is, the absolute refractive index is the product of the specified value with the refractive index of air at the reference temperature and pressure.
If Get dispersion model from list is selected, choose an option from the Optical dispersion model list. The following options are available:
If Get dispersion model from material is selected, the dispersion model in each domain is automatically deduced from the Material nodes and their selections. This allows different optical dispersion models to be used in different domains in the geometry, using only a single Medium Properties node.
For example, suppose that a model contains two lenses consisting of two different glasses, and that the first glass is defined using Sellmeier coefficients whereas the second glass is defined using Schott coefficients. Then selecting Get dispersion model from material will automatically express the refractive index using the Sellmeier equation in the first lens and the Schott (polynomial) equation in the second. An alternative way to use different optical dispersion models in different domains is to use more than one instance of the Medium Properties node and select the dispersion models manually.
For more information on each optical dispersion model, see Table 3-3 in Theory for the Geometrical Optics Interface, Optical Dispersion Models section.
The coefficients for each of these dispersion models are taken From material by default. Alternatively, User defined coefficients may be entered.
For the built-in optical dispersion models, the wavelength is always assumed to be in units of microns (μm). For example, in the Schott (polynomial) model, the coefficients A0, A1, A2, A3, etc. have units of 1, μm, μm2, μm3, and so on. If another source were to provide these coefficients using nanometers instead of microns, then some manual conversion would be required.
Similar to the option Specify relative refractive index, most of the built-in optical dispersion models define the refractive index relative to air, and therefore they all require a reference temperature and pressure to be specified. The only exception is the Temperature-dependent Sellmeier, in which the refractive index is assumed to be absolute, such that n = 1 is the refractive index of an ideal vacuum. To use any other optical dispersion model to define an absolute index, set the reference pressure to zero.
Using the Temperature-dependent Sellmeier model also disables the settings for selecting a Thermo-optic dispersion model (see the following subsection).
The conversion from relative to absolute refractive index is made using the Edlén model (Ref. 2) for the refractive index of air. See Optical Dispersion Models for further details.
If ray intensity or power is computed, specify the Refractive index, imaginary part k (dimensionless). By default the Refractive index, imaginary part k uses values From material. For User defined enter a value or expression. The convention followed by the Geometrical Optics interface is that the imaginary part of the refractive index is negative in absorbing media. A positive value indicates a gain medium in which the intensity increases as the ray propagates.
How to Automatically Detect Optical Dispersion Models
The option Get dispersion model from material is unique because it allows a single Medium Properties node to detect different optical dispersion models from a large number of different materials having different domain selections. For example, the materials used in the Petzval Lens tutorial are shown in Figure 3-2 below. To automatically detect the optical dispersion models of the loaded glasses, take the following steps:
Locate the default Medium Properties node.
From the Optical dispersion model list, select Get dispersion model from material. If the glasses loaded in step 1 also provide thermo-optic coefficients, it is important to specify an accurate value of the Temperature as well.
Figure 3-2: Workflow for automatically detecting optical dispersion models from the glasses in an optical prescription.
Thermo-Optic Dispersion Models
A temperature-dependent offset in the Refractive index may be specified using a thermo-optic dispersion model. Two options are possible:
None (the default): no offset will be applied.
Schott thermo-optic: this is the only built-in thermo-optic dispersion model available. The coefficients used to compute a temperature dependent offset in the refractive index can either be taken From material (the default), or User defined. A reference temperature is also required. This may also be taken From material (the default), or User defined.
For further details, see Thermo-Optic Dispersion Models.