Particle Counters
A Particle Counter is a domain or boundary feature that provides information about particles arriving on a set of selected domains or surfaces from a release feature. Such quantities include the number of particles transmitted, the transmission probability, transmitted current, mass flow rate etc. The feature provides convenient expressions that can be used in the Filters node of the Particle Trajectories plot, which allows only the particles which reach the particle counter selection to be visualized. The following variables are provided by the Particle Counter feature, with the feature tag <tag>:
<tag>.Nfin is number of transmitted particles from the release feature to the particle counter at the final time.
<tag>.Nsel is number of transmitted particles from the release feature to the particle counter.
<tag>.alpha is the transmission probability from the release feature to the particle counter.
<tag>.rL is a logical expression for particle inclusion. This can be set in the Filter node of the Particle Trajectories plot in order to visualize the particles which connect the release feature to the counter.
<tag>.It is the transmitted current from the release feature to the particle counter. This variable is only available for the Charged Particle Tracing interface when Specify current is selected from the Particle release specification list in the physics interface Particle Release and Propagation section.
<tag>.mdott is the transmitted mass flow rate from the release feature to the particle counter. This variable is only available for the Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow interface Specify mass flow rate is selected from the Particle release specification list in the physics interface Particle Release and Propagation section.
If the release feature is a Particle Beam feature in the Charged Particle Tracing interface, additional variables for the average position, velocity and energy of the transmitted particles are available.
The Particle Counter feature only creates variables, which do not affect the solution. Therefore, they can be added to a model without the need to re-compute the solution, it just needs to be updated. To do this, right click on the Study node and select Update Solution. The new variables described above will be immediately available for results processing.