Electric and Magnetic Forces
The Electric Force feature exerts a force Fe on the particles:
where e = 1.602176634 × 1019 C is the elementary charge, Z is the charge number (dimensionless), and E is the electric field (SI unit: V/m). The electric field can be given directly or computed from an electric potential:
The Magnetic Force feature exerts a force Fm on the particles:
where B (SI unit: T) is the magnetic flux density.
Modulation by a Phase Factor
When the electric or magnetic field is computed in the frequency domain, it becomes complex-valued. The field must be cast into a real value that depends on the angular frequency and the simulation time:
where and are the complex-valued fields solved for in the frequency domain,ω (SI unit: rad/s) is the angular frequency, (SI unit: rad) is the phase angle, and t (SI unit: s) is time.