MOSFET with Mobility Models
This model shows how to add several linked mobility models to the simple MOSFET example.
The response of the charged carriers to electric fields and their subsequent momentum loss due to a host of physical processes can be a very important factor in semiconductor simulation. There are numerous physical processes that act to remove momentum from charged carriers within a semiconductor device. These include, but are not limited to, lattice vibrations (L), ionized impurity ions (I), carrier concentrations (C), and surface effects (S). The effect of these individual microscopic processes are generally combined into the macroscopic quantity, the carrier mobility, found in the transport equations. In addition, the presence of large electric fields (E) within the device can serve to significantly reduce the carrier mobility in those regions.
In some cases a constant value for the mobility can be used, measured for a particular semiconductor material. However, in many devices, the physics demands that you model the effects described above as they can drastically alter the value of the carrier mobility in certain parts of the device.
This model adds three mobility models to the basic MOSFET model to explore the effect of these processes on the I-V characteristics. Please review the MOSFET model in the Application Libraries first.
Model Definition
The geometry and operation of the device are discussed for the DC Characteristics of a MOS Transistor (MOSFET) model.
There are several mobility models available for use within the Semiconductor interface. They are provided to cover all the basic processes and physics that may be present in your model that may affect the carrier mobility.
In general, the correct use of mobility models in semiconductor simulations is not straightforward. There exist several families of models that need to be used and combined in particular ways. The implementation within the Semiconductor interface aims to simplify their use by providing a mechanism to “chain” mobility models together in the appropriate way. In addition, flexibility is provided so that custom or complex user-defined mobility models can be implemented with ease.
In this tutorial model three mobility models are added and linked together. The mobility models are listed below together with a small description. For more information, see the “Mobility Models” theory section in the Semiconductor Module User’s Guide.
Arora mobility model (LI)
The Arora mobility model (Ref. 1) is an empirical model that aims to model both phonon (L) and ionized impurity scattering (I). This model calculates carrier mobilities based solely on provided model parameters, therefore it can be used on its own or as an intermediate step for other mobility models. In this example it is used as an input into the Lombardi surface mobility model.
Lombardi Surface Mobility Model (S)
The Lombardi surface mobility model (Ref. 3) adds surface scattering (S) resulting from surface acoustic phonons and from surface roughness. Mobility contributions corresponding to these effects are combined with the input mobility using Matthiessen’s rule. This model is not a standalone model as it adjusts a supplied base mobility to include the described effects. The model accepts input mobilities of type L (power law mobility model), LI (Arora mobility model), or C (Fletcher mobility model (Ref. 2)) as well as a user-defined mobility. The Lombardi model is used as an input for the Caughey-Thomas mobility model.
Caughey-Thomas Mobility Model (E)
The Caughey-Thomas mobility model (Ref. 4) adds high field velocity scattering (E) to an existing mobility model (or to a constant input mobility). It also cannot be used as a standalone model, and it accepts input mobilities of type L (power law mobility model), LI (Arora mobility model), C (Fletcher mobility model), or S (Lombardi) as well as a user-defined input mobility.
Once linked together, the model uses the output from the Caughey-Thomas model as the mobility used within the transport equations. This mobility contains contributions from all three models.
Numerous combinations of mobility models can be used and linked together depending upon the particular device being modeled. Simple, low bias p-n junction devices may only require lattice and ionized impurity models, whereas highly doped devices with high field regions close to contacts such as certain MOSFET devices may require the inclusion of carrier concentrations, surface effects, and high-field effect.
Figure 1: Mobility model linking scheme and examples.
The mobility models link together as shown in Figure 1. A particular mobility model can be combined to include the physics of any mobility model below it in the table; mobility models cannot link to models above them in the table. Mobility models can be skipped as you go down the table if that process is not important. The tutorial model links the mobility models as shown in example 2.
Some of the mobility models are highly nonlinear, in particular the Fletcher, Lombardi, and Caughey-Thomas models. As a result, the implementation of these models is designed such that their effect can be slowly introduced via a continuation parameter. This allows models to be solved with small contributions from these models initially, with a gradual ramp up to their full effect.
The model in this tutorial ramps the continuation parameter using the values 0.5, 1.0, and 1.001. The last value is needed because of the use of the Previous Solution node used in the parametric solver node. This functionality results in much shorter solve times. In models where the electric field or doping is higher, the continuation parameter (Cp) may need to be ramped from 0 in smaller increments.
Results and Discussions
Figure 2 compares the I-Vd (Vg=V) characteristics with constant mobility and with the added mobility models.
Mobility models generally model processes that remove or limit the momentum of the carriers, therefore a reduction in the drain current is expected when they are included in the model.
Figure 2: I-Vd (Vg=2V) characteristics comparing a model with constant mobility and with added mobility models.
1. N.D. Arora, J.R. Hauser, and D.J. Roulston, “Electron and Hole Mobilities in Silicon as a Function of Concentration and Temperature,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 292–295, 1982.
2. J.M. Dorkel and Ph. Leturcq, “Carrier Mobilities in Silicon Semi-empirically Related to Temperature, Doping and Injection Level,” Solid-State Electronics, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 821–825, 1981.
3. C. Lombardi, S. Manzini, A. Saporito, and M. Vanzi, “A physically based mobility model for numerical simulation of nonplanar devices,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 1164–1171, 1988.
4. C. Canali, G. Majni, R. Minder, and G. Ottaviani “Electron and Hole Drift Velocity Measurements in Silicon and Their Empirical Relation to Electric Field and Temperature”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 1045–1047, 1975. Note the correction in: G. Ottaviani, “Correction to ‘Electron and hole drift velocity measurements in silicon and their empirical relation to electric field and temperatures’”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 23, no. 9, p. 1113, 1976.
Application Library path: Semiconductor_Module/Transistors/mosfet_mobility
Modeling Instructions
Open the existing MOSFET model (filename: mosfet.mph).
From the File menu, choose Open.
Add the Arora mobility model. This models lattice and ionized impurity scattering effects. This model does not take any inputs other than the model parameters.
Component 1 (comp1)
In the Model Builder window, expand the Component 1 (comp1) node.
Semiconductor (semi)
Semiconductor Material Model 1
In the Model Builder window, expand the Component 1 (comp1)>Semiconductor (semi) node, then click Semiconductor Material Model 1.
Arora Mobility Model (LI) 1
In the Physics toolbar, click  Attributes and choose Arora Mobility Model (LI).
Next add the Lombardi surface mobility model. This mobility model takes the output from the Arora model as its input, along with additional model parameters.
Semiconductor Material Model 1
In the Model Builder window, click Semiconductor Material Model 1.
Lombardi Surface Mobility Model (S) 1
In the Physics toolbar, click  Attributes and choose Lombardi Surface Mobility Model (S).
To connect the output of the Arora model to the input of the Lombardi model, you select the appropriate values for the input mobilities within the Lombardi model.
In the Settings window for Lombardi Surface Mobility Model (S), locate the Input Mobilities section.
From the μn,in list, choose Electron mobility, Arora (semi/smm1/mmar1).
From the μp,in list, choose Hole mobility, Arora (semi/smm1/mmar1).
Next add the Caughey-Thomas mobility model. This mobility model takes the output from the Lombardi (or the Arora model) as its input, along with additional model parameters.
Semiconductor Material Model 1
In the Model Builder window, click Semiconductor Material Model 1.
Caughey-Thomas Mobility Model (E) 1
In the Physics toolbar, click  Attributes and choose Caughey-Thomas Mobility Model (E).
In the Settings window for Caughey-Thomas Mobility Model (E), locate the Input Mobilities section.
From the μn,in list, choose Electron mobility, Lombardi (semi/smm1/mmls1).
From the μp,in list, choose Hole mobility, Lombardi (semi/smm1/mmls1).
To connect the output of the Lombardi model to the input of the Caughey-Thomas model, again you select the appropriate values for the input mobilities.
Semiconductor Material Model 1
In the Model Builder window, click Semiconductor Material Model 1.
In the Settings window for Semiconductor Material Model, locate the Mobility Model section.
From the μn list, choose Electron mobility, Caughey-Thomas (semi/smm1/mmct1).
From the μp list, choose Hole mobility, Caughey-Thomas (semi/smm1/mmct1).
The Lombardi and Caughey-Thomas mobility models are very nonlinear and therefore there effect needs to introduced gradually using the continuation machinery.
The continuation machinery allows the doping features and certain mobility and generation-recombination features to be introduced into the model slowly to ease solving.
Add a continuation parameter to be used in the continuation study.
Global Definitions
Parameters 1
In the Model Builder window, under Global Definitions click Parameters 1.
In the Settings window for Parameters, locate the Parameters section.
Set the interface to use the continuation parameter.
Semiconductor (semi)
In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) click Semiconductor (semi).
In the Settings window for Semiconductor, click to expand the Continuation Settings section.
In the Cp text field, type cp.
Now activate the continuation functionality within the mobility models and set them to use the interface continuation.
Lombardi Surface Mobility Model (S) 1
In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1)>Semiconductor (semi)>Semiconductor Material Model 1 click Lombardi Surface Mobility Model (S) 1.
In the Settings window for Lombardi Surface Mobility Model (S), click to expand the Continuation Settings section.
From the Continuation type list, choose Use interface continuation parameter.
Caughey-Thomas Mobility Model (E) 1
In the Model Builder window, click Caughey-Thomas Mobility Model (E) 1.
In the Settings window for Caughey-Thomas Mobility Model (E), click to expand the Continuation Settings section.
From the Continuation type list, choose Use interface continuation parameter.
Study 1
Add a new stationary study. This will allow comparison between the currents with and without the mobility models.
From the Home menu, choose Add Study.
Add Study
Go to the Add Study window.
Find the Studies subsection. In the Select Study tree, select General Studies>Stationary.
Click Add Study in the window toolbar.
From the Home menu, choose Add Study.
Study 3
Step 1: Stationary
Set up the study to sweep over the drain voltage, Vd. A range together with manual values will allow resolution only where it is needed.
In the Settings window for Stationary, click to expand the Study Extensions section.
Select the Auxiliary sweep check box.
From the Sweep type list, choose All combinations.
Now add the continuation parameter to the sweep. The field-dependent mobility models are very nonlinear and difficult to solve directly. In the following steps we will add a Previous Solution node in the solver sequence to fix the fields at the values from the previous parameter value. With the values of 1 and 1.001 for the continuation parameter cp, when solving the case of cp = 1.001, the fields take on the values at cp = 1.
Tell the solver to reuse the solution for the previous step between the continuation sweeps.
From the Reuse solution from previous step list, choose Auto.
Our initial solution (Vd = 0V, Vg = 2V) has actually been solved for in study 2.
Click to expand the Values of Dependent Variables section. Find the Initial values of variables solved for subsection. From the Settings list, choose User controlled.
From the Method list, choose Solution.
From the Study list, choose Study 2, Stationary.
From the Parameter value (Vd (V),Vg (V)) list, choose 1: Vd=0 V, Vg=2 V.
Solution 3 (sol3)
In the Model Builder window, expand the Study 1 node.
Right-click Study 3 and choose Show Default Solver.
In the Model Builder window, expand the Solution 3 (sol3) node.
In the Model Builder window, expand the Study 3>Solver Configurations>Solution 3 (sol3)>Stationary Solver 1 node.
Right-click Parametric 1 and choose Previous Solution.
In the Settings window for Previous Solution, locate the Previous Solution section.
Under Variables, click  Add.
In the Add dialog box, in the Variables list, choose Electric field parallel to electron current density (comp1.semi.smm1.mmct1.Epn), Electric field parallel to hole current density (comp1.semi.smm1.mmct1.Epp), Electric field magnitude perpendicular to electron current density (comp1.semi.smm1.mmls1.Edn), and Electric field magnitude perpendicular to hole current density (comp1.semi.smm1.mmls1.Edp).
In the Study toolbar, click  Compute.
Next, duplicate the I-V plot and compare the current obtained with and without the mobility models.
Id vs. Vd 1
In the Model Builder window, right-click Id vs. Vd and choose Duplicate.
In the Settings window for 1D Plot Group, locate the Data section.
From the Parameter selection (Vg) list, choose From list.
In the Parameter values (Vg (V)) list, select 2.
Global 2
In the Model Builder window, expand the Id vs. Vd 1 node.
Right-click Results>Id vs. Vd 1>Global 1 and choose Duplicate.
In the Settings window for Global, locate the Data section.
From the Dataset list, choose Study 3/Solution 3 (sol3).
From the Parameter selection (cp) list, choose From list.
In the Parameter values (cp) list, select 1.001.
Locate the x-Axis Data section. From the Axis source data list, choose Vd.
In the Id vs. Vd 1 toolbar, click  Plot.
Click to expand the Legends section. From the Legends list, choose Manual.
Global 1
In the Model Builder window, click Global 1.
In the Settings window for Global, locate the Legends section.
From the Legends list, choose Manual.
In the Id vs. Vd 1 toolbar, click  Plot.