Transport and Adsorption
This example demonstrates how you can model phenomena defined in different dimensions (2D and 1D in this example) in a fully coupled manner using COMSOL Multiphysics.
In this particular case, the model involves a small parallel-plate reactor with a catalytic surface. Similar applications where surface processes are of critical importance include biochip devices and a semiconductor components.
When modeling chemical reactions the reaction rates are commonly functions of the concentrations of the reactants in the phase that transports the chemicals. However, for surface reactions it is also necessary to account for the surface concentrations of the active sites and surface adsorbed species. The mass balances in the bulk of the reactor must therefore be coupled to the mass balances for species, present only at the surface of the device.
Model Definition
The first approximation you can make is to reduce the 3D geometry to 2D, which is reasonable if the variations in concentration are small along the depth of the domain. Figure 1 shows how the 2D model domain is related to the full 3D reactor geometry.
Figure 1: The modeled domain is a parallel plate reactor with an active surface where you want to model the concentration of surface species. A denotes molecular species dissolved in gas and As the same species adsorbed on the surface.
Model Equations
The adsorption/desorption reaction at the surface is described by
where kf and kr are forward and reverse rate constants. A and As are the molecular species in the gas and adsorbed on active sites on the surface, respectively.
Let θ be the fraction of active sites occupied by adsorbed molecules. The fraction of free sites is then − θ. Langmuir derived that the rate of desorption of molecules, rdes (mol/(m2·s)), is proportional to θ and equal to krθ where kr is a constant at constant temperature. Furthermore, the rate of adsorption of molecules is proportional to both the fraction of free surface sites, − θ, and to the rate of which molecules strike the surface. The collision rate is in turn directly proportional the partial pressure of the species, pA (Pa). The rate of adsorption in mol/(m2·s) is thus rads = kfpA(− θ), where kf is a constant at constant temperature.
To set up transport and reaction equations in terms of c (bulk gas concentration of A in mol/m3) and cs (surface concentration of A in mol/m2), make the following substitutions:
Γs is the total surface concentration of active sites (mol/m2)
R is the gas constant (J/(mol·K))
T is temperature (K)
which yields
kdes = krs is the rate constant for the desorption reaction (m3/(mol·s))
kads = kfRTs is the rate constant for the adsorption reaction (1/s)
Note: The surface concentration is in moles per unit surface.
The material balance for the surface, including surface diffusion and the reaction rate expression for the formation of the adsorbed species, cs, is:
where Ds represents surface diffusivity. This gives the following equation for the transport and reaction on the surface:
Equation 2 defines the units of the rate constants kads and kdes. The initial condition is that the concentration of adsorbed species is zero at the beginning of the process:
The equation for the surface-reaction expression includes the concentration of the bulk species, c, at the position of the catalyst surface. Thus you must solve the equation for the surface reaction in combination with the mass balance in the bulk. The coupling between the mass balance in the bulk and the surface is obtained as a boundary condition in the bulk’s mass balance. This condition sets the flux of c at the boundary equal to the rate of the surface reaction and is presented below. The transport in the bulk of the reactor is described by a convection-diffusion equation:
The initial condition sets the concentration in the bulk at t = 0:
In the above equation, D denotes the diffusivity of the reacting species, c is its concentration, and u is the velocity. In this case, the velocity in the x direction equals 0 while the velocity in the y direction comes from the analytical expression for fully developed laminar flow between two parallel plates:
Here, δ is the distance between the plates, vmax is the maximum local velocity, and x = 0 at the left boundary of the 2D model geometry shown on the right in Figure 1.
Boundary Conditions
The boundary conditions for the surface species are insulating conditions according to:
For the bulk, the boundary condition at the active surface couples the rate of the reaction at the surface with the flux of the reacting species and the concentration of the adsorbed species and bulk species:
The other boundary conditions for the bulk problem are:
Inlet: c = c0
Outlet: n · (−Dc + cu) = n · cu
Insulation: n · (−Dc + cu) = 0
Notes About the COMSOL Implementation
This example deals with a phenomenon (convection-diffusion) occurring in a 2D domain coupled to another phenomenon (diffusion-reaction) occurring only on a part of this domain’s 1D boundary. Model the 2D equation (Equation 3) using a Transport of Diluted Species interface and the 1D equation (Equation 2) with a General Form Boundary PDE interface on the active-surface boundary. The two interfaces are coupled through the surface reaction rate expression on the right-hand side of Equation 2, which becomes a flux in the boundary condition Equation 5 for Equation 3. The Neumann condition Equation 4 is a natural boundary condition, which means that you do not need to impose it explicitly.
Results and Discussion
The plot in Figure 2 shows the concentration, c, of the reacting species in the 2D domain after 2 seconds of operation. The reaction is very fast and has almost reached steady state in that time frame. Figure 3, which displays the concentration along a vertical cross section of the active surface, shows that the concentration distribution exhibits edge effects at both ends of the catalyst. The higher concentration near y = 0 is easy to explain because this is the position closest to the inlet, and this end is therefore continuously supplied with fresh reactant. The increase in concentration at the end closer to the outlet is due to diffusion; the edge of the surface can receive diffusion in all directions within a 90° angle without having to compete for the reactant supply with other parts of the catalysts. This effect also appears at the edge close to the inlet.
Figure 2: Concentration of the reacting species, c, after 2 seconds of operation (t = 2 s).
Figure 3: Concentration of the reacting species along the active surface at t = 2 s.
The concentration of adsorbed species, cs, shows a similar spatial distribution. However, while the concentration of the reactant decreases with time, the concentration of adsorbed species increases. You can also see that the slight spatial diffusion evens out the concentration gradients somewhat; see Figure 4.
Figure 4: The concentration of adsorbed species increases with time. The edge effect appears at both edges due to the increased supply of reactants. This figure displays the concentration after 0.05, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 s.
The concentration of gas phase species at the surface decreases while the surface concentration of the adsorbed species increases with time. This implies that the adsorption rate decreases with time. You can see this effect in Figure 5, which also shows that after 0.5 s the reaction rate almost reaches steady-state. The upper curve shows the reaction rate after 0.05 s, while the lower curve represents the curves for 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 s, which are all on top of each other.
Figure 5: Surface reaction rate at the active surface. The largest reaction rate is obtained initially and is at the edges of the active surface. The reaction process almost reaches steady state at 0.5 s.
Application Library path: COMSOL_Multiphysics/Chemical_Engineering/transport_and_adsorption
Modeling Instructions
From the File menu, choose New.
In the New window, click  Model Wizard.
Model Wizard
In the Model Wizard window, click  2D.
In the Select Physics tree, select Chemical Species Transport>Transport of Diluted Species (tds).
Click Add.
In the Select Physics tree, select Mathematics>PDE Interfaces>Lower Dimensions>General Form Boundary PDE (gb).
Click Add.
In the Dependent variables table, enter the following settings:
Click  Study.
In the Select Study tree, select General Studies>Time Dependent.
Global Definitions
A set of model parameters is available in a text file.
Parameters 1
In the Model Builder window, under Global Definitions click Parameters 1.
In the Settings window for Parameters, locate the Parameters section.
Click  Load from File.
Geometry 1
In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) click Geometry 1.
In the Settings window for Geometry, locate the Units section.
From the Length unit list, choose mm.
Rectangle 1 (r1)
In the Geometry toolbar, click  Rectangle.
In the Settings window for Rectangle, locate the Size and Shape section.
In the Width text field, type 0.1.
In the Height text field, type 0.3.
Locate the Position section. In the y text field, type -0.1.
Click  Build All Objects.
Point 1 (pt1)
In the Geometry toolbar, click  Point.
In the Settings window for Point, locate the Point section.
In the x text field, type 0.1.
Click  Build All Objects.
Point 2 (pt2)
In the Geometry toolbar, click  Point.
In the Settings window for Point, locate the Point section.
In the x text field, type 0.1.
In the y text field, type 0.1.
Click  Build All Objects.
Click the  Zoom Extents button in the Graphics toolbar.
Variables 1
In the Home toolbar, click  Variables and choose Local Variables.
In the Settings window for Variables, locate the Geometric Entity Selection section.
From the Geometric entity level list, choose Boundary.
Locate the Variables section. In the table, enter the following settings:
Variables 2
In the Home toolbar, click  Variables and choose Local Variables.
In the Settings window for Variables, locate the Geometric Entity Selection section.
From the Geometric entity level list, choose Domain.
Locate the Variables section. In the table, enter the following settings:
Transport of Diluted Species (tds)
Transport Properties 1
In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1)>Transport of Diluted Species (tds) click Transport Properties 1.
In the Settings window for Transport Properties, locate the Diffusion section.
In the Dc text field, type D.
Locate the Convection section. Specify the u vector as
Initial Values 1
In the Model Builder window, click Initial Values 1.
In the Settings window for Initial Values, locate the Initial Values section.
In the c text field, type c0.
Concentration 1
In the Physics toolbar, click  Boundaries and choose Concentration.
In the Settings window for Concentration, locate the Concentration section.
Select the Species c check box.
In the c0,c text field, type c0.
Flux 1
In the Physics toolbar, click  Boundaries and choose Flux.
In the Settings window for Flux, locate the Inward Flux section.
Select the Species c check box.
In the J0,c text field, type -R.
Outflow 1
In the Physics toolbar, click  Boundaries and choose Outflow.
Symmetry 1
In the Physics toolbar, click  Boundaries and choose Symmetry.
General Form Boundary PDE (gb)
Next, set up the equation and boundary conditions for the surface concentration, cs.
In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) click General Form Boundary PDE (gb).
In the Settings window for General Form Boundary PDE, locate the Boundary Selection section.
From the Selection list, choose Manual.
Click  Clear Selection.
Locate the Units section. Click  Define Dependent Variable Unit.
In the Dependent variable quantity table, enter the following settings:
In the Source term quantity table, enter the following settings:
General Form PDE 1
In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1)>General Form Boundary PDE (gb) click General Form PDE 1.
In the Settings window for General Form PDE, click to expand the Equation section.
Comparing this equation with Equation 1 in the Model Definition section leads to the following settings:
Locate the Conservative Flux section. Specify the Γ vector as
Here, csTx and csTy refer to the components of the gradient nabla c_s restricted to the plane tangential to the boundary where the interface is defined, that is, Boundary 5. Because this boundary is parallel to the y-axis, only csTy is nonzero in this case.
Locate the Source Term section. In the f text field, type R.
Initial Values 1
The default initial value, 0, for the surface concentration applies for this model, so you do not need to set it explicitly.
Mesh 1
Free Triangular 1
In the Mesh toolbar, click  Free Triangular.
Size 1
Right-click Free Triangular 1 and choose Size.
In the Settings window for Size, locate the Geometric Entity Selection section.
From the Geometric entity level list, choose Boundary.
Locate the Element Size section. Click the Custom button.
Locate the Element Size Parameters section. Select the Maximum element size check box.
Click  Build All.
Study 1
Step 1: Time Dependent
In the Model Builder window, under Study 1 click Step 1: Time Dependent.
In the Settings window for Time Dependent, locate the Study Settings section.
In the Output times text field, type range(0,0.05,2).
In the Home toolbar, click  Compute.
Concentration species in reactor
In the Settings window for 2D Plot Group, type Concentration species in reactor in the Label text field.
Click the  Zoom Extents button in the Graphics toolbar.
In the Concentration species in reactor toolbar, click  Plot.
The first default plot shows the concentration of the reacting species at the end of the simulation interval, t = 2 s.
Concentration reacting species along active surface
Create a plot of the final concentration at the reacting surface.
In the Home toolbar, click  Add Plot Group and choose 1D Plot Group.
In the Settings window for 1D Plot Group, type Concentration reacting species along active surface in the Label text field.
Locate the Data section. From the Time selection list, choose From list.
In the Times (s) list, select 2.
Line Graph 1
Right-click Concentration reacting species along active surface and choose Line Graph.
In the Settings window for Line Graph, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner of the x-Axis Data section. From the menu, choose Component 1 (comp1)>Geometry>Coordinate>y - y-coordinate.
In the Concentration reacting species along active surface toolbar, click  Plot.
The plot should look like that in Figure 3.
Concentration reacting species along active surface
Proceed to reproduce the plot in Figure 4 showing the concentration of adsorbed species at selected times. You can use the plot group you just created as the starting point.
Concentration adsorbed species along active surface
In the Model Builder window, right-click Concentration reacting species along active surface and choose Duplicate.
In the Settings window for 1D Plot Group, type Concentration adsorbed species along active surface in the Label text field.
Locate the Data section. In the Times (s) list, choose 0.05, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2.
Line Graph 1
In the Model Builder window, expand the Concentration adsorbed species along active surface node, then click Line Graph 1.
In the Settings window for Line Graph, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner of the y-Axis Data section. From the menu, choose Component 1 (comp1)>General Form Boundary PDE>cs - Dependent variable cs - mol/m².
In the Concentration adsorbed species along active surface toolbar, click  Plot.
Finally, reproduce the plot in Figure 5 of the surface reaction rate at the same times. Again, use the previous plot group as the starting point.
Surface reaction rate along active surface
In the Model Builder window, right-click Concentration adsorbed species along active surface and choose Duplicate.
In the Settings window for 1D Plot Group, type Surface reaction rate along active surface in the Label text field.
Line Graph 1
In the Model Builder window, expand the Surface reaction rate along active surface node, then click Line Graph 1.
In the Settings window for Line Graph, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner of the y-Axis Data section. From the menu, choose Component 1 (comp1)>Definitions>Variables>R - Surface reaction rate - mol/(m²·s).
In the Surface reaction rate along active surface toolbar, click  Plot.
Concentration species in reactor
Click the  Zoom Extents button in the Graphics toolbar.
In the Model Builder window, click Concentration species in reactor.
In the Concentration species in reactor toolbar, click  Plot.
Rename 2D Plot Group 2 and use a tube line type to illustrate the adsorbed species concentration over the 2D geometry.
Concentration adsorbed species at active surface
In the Model Builder window, under Results click 2D Plot Group 2.
In the Settings window for 2D Plot Group, type Concentration adsorbed species at active surface in the Label text field.
Line 1
In the Model Builder window, expand the Concentration adsorbed species at active surface node, then click Line 1.
In the Settings window for Line, locate the Coloring and Style section.
From the Line type list, choose Tube.
Select the Radius scale factor check box.
Click the  Zoom Extents button in the Graphics toolbar.
In the Concentration adsorbed species at active surface toolbar, click  Plot.