Return point coordinates of geometry entities.
c = mphgetcoords(model,geomtag,entitytype,entitynumber)
c = mphgetcoords(model,geomtag,entitytype,entitynumber) returns the coordinates of the points that belong to the entity object with the type entitytype and the index entitynumber.
The entitytype property can be one of 'point', 'edge', 'boundary' or 'domain' following the entity space dimension defined below:
'domain': maximum geometry space dimension
'boundary': maximum geometry space dimension -1
'edge': 1 (only for 3D geometry)
'point': 0
Return the coordinates of points that belong to domain 2:
model = mphopen('model_tutorial_llmatlab');
c0 = mphgetcoords(model, 'geom1', 'domain', 2);
Return the coordinates of points that belong to boundary 5:
c1 = mphgetcoords(model, 'geom1', 'boundary', 5);
Return the coordinates of point number 10:
c2 = mphgetcoords(model, 'geom1', 'point', 10);
See also
mphgetadj, mphselectbox, mphselectcoords