Return a MATLAB® colormap for a COMSOL Multiphysics color table.
map = colortable(name)
map = colortable(name) returns the color table (of 1024 colors) for name, where name can be one of the following strings:
AuroraAustralis — A color table that spans from white through green and indigo to blue as for the colors in the aurora australis (southern light).
AuroraAustralisDark — A color table that spans from white through green and indigo to blue as for the colors in the aurora australis (southern light) but does not start with the full white color.
AuroraBorealis — This color table resembles the colors in the aurora borealis (northern light). The color table spans from white through green and indigo to blue but with a larger indigo portion.
Cividis — Uses yellow and blue colors in a color table that is suited for normal vision, a deuteranomaly, or red-green colorblindness.
Cyclic — A color table that varies the hue component of the hue-saturation-value color model, keeping the saturation and value constant (equal to 1). The colors begin with red, pass through yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta, and return to red. This table is useful to display periodic functions and has a sharp color gradient.
Disco — This color table spans from red through magenta and cyan to blue.
Discolight — Similar to Disco but uses lighter colors.
Grayscale — A color table that uses no color, only the gray scale varying linearly from black to white.
Grayprint — Varies linearly from dark gray (0.95, 0.95, 0.95) to light gray (0.05, 0.05, 0.05). This color table overcomes two disadvantages that the GrayScale color table has when used for printouts on paper—it gives the impression of being dominated by dark colors and that white cannot be distinguished from the background.
HeatCamera — The colors range from black through blue, magenta, red, and yellow to white, corresponding to the colors in an image from a heat camera.
HeatCameraLight — Similar to HeatCamera but with slightly lighter colors.
JupiterAuroraBorealis — the color table spans from black through blue to white as for the Jupiter’s aurora.
Rainbow — The color ordering in this table corresponds to the wavelengths of the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum: beginning at the small-wavelength end with dark blue, the colors range through shades of blue, cyan, green, yellow, and red.
Rainbowlight — Similar to Rainbow, this color table uses lighter colors.
Thermal — Ranges from black through red and yellow to white, which corresponds to the colors iron takes as it heats up.
ThermalEquidistant — Similar to Thermal but uses equal distances from black to red, yellow, and white, which means that the black and red regions become larger.
ThermalNarrow — Similar to Thermal but does not include the full black and white end colors.
Traffic — Spans from green through yellow to red.
Trafficlight — Similar to Traffic but uses lighter colors.
Twilight — The color table uses colors associated with twilight (the illumination of the Earth’s lower atmosphere when the Sun is not directly visible), spanning colors from pink through white to blue.
Wave — Ranges linearly from blue to light gray, and then linearly from white to red. When the range of the visualized quantity is symmetric around zero, the color red or blue indicates whether the value is positive or negative, and the saturation indicates the magnitude.
Wavelight — Similar to Wave and ranges linearly from a lighter blue to white (instead of light gray) and then linearly from white to a lighter red.
Calling colortable is equivalent to calling the corresponding colormap function directly.
Create a rainbow color map
map = colortable('Rainbow');
map = rainbow;