Evaluating a Global Matrix
mphevalglobalmatrix evaluates the matrix variable such as S-parameters in a model with several ports activated as a parametric sweep and a frequency-domain study.
Note: S-parameters evaluation requires the AC/DC Module or the RF Module.
To evaluate the global matrix associated to the expression <expr>, enter the command:
M = mphevalglobalmatrix(model,<expr>)
The output data M is an NxN double array, where N is the number of port boundary condition set in the model.
The rest of this section has additional information for the function mphevalglobalmatrix:
Specify the Evaluation Data
The function mphevalglobalmatrix supports the following properties to set the data of the evaluation to perform:
M = mphevalglobalmatrix(model,<expr>,'dataset',<dsettag>)
where <dsettag> is the tag of a solution data.
solnum, specify the inner solution number for data evaluation. Inner solutions are generated for the following analysis types: time domain, frequency domain, eigenvalue, or stationary with continuation parameters:
M = mphevalglobalmatrix(model,<expr>,'solnum',<solnum>)
where <solnum> is an integer array corresponding to the inner solution index. <solnum> can also be a string:'end' or 'all' to evaluate the expression for the last inner solution or all inner solutions, respectively. By default the evaluation is performed on all inner solutions.
outersolnum, specify the outer solution number for data evaluation. Outer solutions are generated with parametric sweeps:
M = mphevalglobalmatrix(model,<expr>,'outersolnum',<outersolnum>)
where <outersolnum> is a positive integer corresponding to the outer solution index. <outersolnum> can also be a string, 'all' or 'end' to evaluate the expression for all or the last outer solution, respectively. The default settings uses the first outer solution for the data evaluation.
dM = mphevalglobalmatrix(model,<expr>,'t',<time>)
where <time> is a double array. The default value corresponds to all the stored time steps.
M = mphevalglobalmatrix(model,<expr>,'dataseries', dataseries)
where dataseries is either 'none', 'average', or 'sum'.
M = mphevalglobalmatrix(model,<expr>,'outerdataseries', outerdataseries)
where outerdataseries is either 'none', 'average', or 'sum'.
Specify Matrix transformation
To apply a transformation operation to compute the inverse of the matrix variable or to convert between the impedance matrix, Z, the admittance matrix, Y, and the S-parameter matrix S, use the trans property:
M = mphevalglobalmatrix(model,<expr>,'trans',<trans>)
where <trans> can be either: 'maxwellmutual' (from Maxwell to mutual capacitance), 'mutualmaxwell' (from mutual to Maxwell capacitance), 'none' (no transformation), 'inverse' (compute the inverse of the matrix), 'sy' (from S to Y transformation), 'sz' (from S to Z transformation), 'ys' (from Y to S transformation), 'yz' (from Y to Z transformation), 'zs' (from Z to S transformation), or 'zy' (from Z to Y transformation).
For S to Y and Y to S transformation you need to specify the characteristic admittance, to proceed use the command:
M = mphevalglobalmatrix(model,<expr>,'trans','sy','y0',<value>)
M = mphevalglobalmatrix(model,<expr>,'trans','ys','y0',<value>)
where <value> is the characteristic admittance in siemens (S). The default value is 1 S.
For S to Z and Z to S transformation you need to specify the characteristic impedance, to proceed use the command:
M = mphevalglobalmatrix(model,<expr>,'trans','sz','z0',<value>)
M = mphevalglobalmatrix(model,<expr>,'trans','zs','z0',<value>)
where <value> is the characteristic admittance in ohm (Ω).The default value is 1 Ω.
Global Matrix Evaluation section in the COMSOL Reference Manual.