Liquid Water (Moist Porous Medium)
This subnode defines the velocity field ul and the saturation sl of the liquid water phase used in Equation 6-6 of the Moist Porous Medium parent node. The density ρl (SI unit: kg/m3), the heat capacity at constant pressure Cp,l (SI unit: J/(kg·K)), and the thermal conductivity kl (SI unit: W/(m·K)) are defined as functions of temperature.
Liquid Water Properties
The Liquid water saturation, sl, used to evaluate the effective thermodynamics properties in the Moist Porous Medium parent node, should be set.
The default Velocity field, liquid water, ul, is User defined. For User defined, enter values or expressions for the components based on space dimensions. Or select an existing velocity field in the component (for example, Velocity field (spf) from a Laminar Flow interface).
If the node was added automatically after selecting the predefined multiphysics interface Heat and Moisture Transport, the liquid saturation and liquid velocity of the multiphysics node Heat and Moisture are used by default, and the section is not editable. To edit the Liquid water saturation and Velocity field, liquid water fields, click Make All Model Inputs Editable ().
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics Tab with Moist Porous Medium selected in the model tree: