Convectively Enhanced Conductivity
This subnode takes into account convective heat flux by enhancing the fluid thermal conductivity according to the Nusselt number. When added under the Fluid or the Moist Air node, it sets the fluid velocity to zero, and the user-defined or predefined velocity model input is ignored.
Convectively Enhanced Conductivity
The following options are available in the Nusselt number correlation list:
Horizontal cavity heated from below, for which values for the Cavity height H and the Temperature difference ΔT should be specified for the computation of the Nusselt number. Unfold the Sketch section for more details on the required parameters.
Vertical rectangular cavity, for which values for the Cavity height H, the Plate distance L, and the Temperature difference ΔT should be specified for the computation of the Nusselt number. Unfold the Sketch section for more details on the required parameters.
User defined, for which a value for Nu should be specified directly.
For the two first options, select Automatic (default) or User defined to define the Temperature difference ΔT. When Automatic is selected the temperature difference is evaluated as the difference between the maximal and the minimal temperature on the exterior boundaries of the feature selection.
Dynamic Viscosity
This section is not available when the Convectively Enhanced Conductivity feature is added under the Fluid node with Fluid type set as Moist air, or under the Moist Air node. Else, the Dynamic viscosity μ used to calculate the Nusselt number should be set.
When the Fluid type is Moist air, or when the Convectively Enhanced Conductivity feature is added under the Moist Air node, the natural convection due to vapor concentration gradients is neglected. Indeed, only thermally induced variations of the density are accounted for in these correlations.
When the Nonisothermal Flow multiphysics coupling node is added, the Convectively Enhanced Conductivity feature is overridden by the multiphysics coupling node’s contribution, and convection is explicitly calculated by using the predefined velocity model input.
Evaporative Cooling of Water: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Phase_Change/evaporative_cooling
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
More locations are available. For example:
Physics Tab with Fluid or Moist Air selected in the model tree: