Vibration Fatigue Model
In the vibration fatigue analysis, a component is subjected to a forced harmonic excitation. In general, when the excitation frequency approaches an eigenfrequency of the object the stresses show a strong increase.
In the Vibration Fatigue evaluation, only deterministic vibration can be simulated; random vibration analysis is outside its scope.
The analysis is done in two steps. First the stress responses at given excitation frequencies are computed using a frequency domain study step. In the subsequent fatigue study, the damage is estimated according to the Palmgren-Miner linear damage rule which uses the S-N curve to determine the fatigue life.
Vibration Controlled Load
In general, when a component is excited at a constant frequency its dynamic response undergoes two phases. An initial transient phase is followed by a steady state phase. During the transient phase, which is usually short in time, the dynamic response goes from the state of the previous excitation frequency, or stand still, to the state of the current excitation frequency. During the steady state phase, a component oscillates, so that a repetitive stress response is experienced for each consecutive cycle.
Figure 3-25: Stress response when passing an eigenfrequency.
Stress State at a Constant Excitation Frequency
When computing a stress state history at forced vibration, two cases have to be considered. The first one represents operating conditions when a component is only subjected to an excitation frequency. The second case represents conditions when a component subjected to an excitation frequency and additional static loads, such as gravity or prestress. The excitation frequency will force the component to vibrate back and forth thus causing an alternating stress that can be seen as an amplitude stress state, Σa. The stress response from the stationary loads causes a constant stress state in the component, that can be seen as a mean stress state, Σm. The stress response from both load mechanisms gives a full stress tensor denoted Σ.
Since the S-N curve is heavily influenced by the R-value, R, which in turn depends on the mean stress and the stress amplitude, the stress state from both load mechanisms must be considered.
Forced Vibration
When no static loads are present, the stress state at each excitation frequency can be computed using a single Frequency Domain study. For each excitation frequency the stress state is
where p is the number of excitation frequency, while the argument t is the time. The time dependence is in this case harmonic.
Forced Vibration with Stationary Loads
In the presence of static loads, for example self-weight, a Prestressed Analysis, Frequency Domain study computes both the mean stress state, Σm, and the amplitude stress state, Σa, for each excitation frequency. The stress state at a given excitation frequency is given by
Note that the mean stress state is the same for all excitation frequencies while the amplitude stress state changes at each excitation frequency.
Stress Evaluation
The first step in a fatigue evaluation is the transformation of the stress state at a certain excitation frequency into a fatigue controlling stress, σ, which is a scalar used to evaluate fatigue life from the S-N curve.
Fatigue Mean Stress
The mean stress is computed from the stress state caused by the static loads. Since these loads are constant at all excitation frequencies, the resulting stress state, Σm, is also constant and so is the mean stress, σm. When the option Directional stress is used, the mean value is taken as the normal stress on the plane defined by the Direction vector. For example, if the stress in the x direction is examined then σm = σxx.
In case of Signed von Mises, the mean stress is computed using the von Mises equivalent stress from the static load case.
The sign of the mean stress is controlled by the hydrostatic stress, which is computed as
The mean stress is
Fatigue Stress Amplitude
The fatigue stress amplitude is computed from the amplitude stress state, and is in general different for each excitation frequency. Frequency domain results are complex valued. In general, the components of the stress tensor have different phase angles in the complex plane, indicating that the maximum values do not occur at the same time.
A complex-valued stress component is given by the general form
where i is the imaginary unit. The modulus of a complex stress, rkl, is the amplitude stress for the stress tensor component, while the argument of the complex number, θkl, is the phase shift of a stress component. These variables are computed using
Thus, the stress component varies between rkl and -rkl during one cycle and the stress history is defined by
where ω is the angular frequency that is related to the excitation frequency through ω = 2πf.
The Directional stress option considers a stress normal to a given plane. If, for example, the yz-plane is considered, the normal stress is given by
and the fatigue stress amplitude is taken as the highest stress during the excitation period which is the modulus of σxx. Thus,
The Signed von Mises option computes an equivalent stress which depends on all components of the complex stress tensor. The square of the von Mises stress is given by
The square of the each of the stress components is
The cross product between the two normal stress components follows the pattern
Both the squares of the individual stress components, Equation 3-7, and the cross products between the two normal stress components, Equation 3-8, can be written on the general form
where for i = k and j = l or for i = j and k = l
The square of the equivalent stress, Equation 3-6, can be rewritten into following form
Thus, the square of the equivalent stress contains constant terms and time dependent terms. Since all time-dependent terms varies harmonically with the same period the equivalent stress can be reformulated into
It is not surprising that the equivalent stress is time dependent and that during one cycle it reaches the peak stress twice. Phenomenologically as an object vibrates, it moves back and forth. In a bending mode it means that the object will bend in one direction and then in the other direction. Since the equivalent stress does not discriminate between tension and compression it will give the same value in both cases. Interestingly enough, the equivalent stress is not harmonic, while its square is.
From the fatigue point of view only the highest equivalent stress during the cycle is of interest. This stress is considered to be the amplitude fatigue stress and is evaluated as
Fatigue Evaluation
The S-N curve provides the stress amplitude as a function of the R-value and the number of cycles to failure, N. Since both the fatigue mean stress and the fatigue stress amplitude are known for each excitation frequency, the R-value is computed by
where the subscript p denotes the frequency dependence. Once the stress amplitude and R-value are known for each excitation frequency, fp, the limiting number of cycles at each excitation frequency, Np, is extracted from the S-N curve. The relation between the duration time of the excitation at a given frequency, tp, and the number of cycles experienced is given by
The partial damage from a given excitation frequency is simply the ratio ni/Ni. Following the Palmgren-Miner linear damage rule the damage from all excitation frequencies is summarized using
where q denotes the number of excitation frequencies. The fatigue usage factor fus denotes the cumulative damage. Values below 1 means that fatigue is not expected during the analyzed frequency sweep.
Frequency Evaluation in Frequency Sweep Computations
In a sweep computation the stress response is evaluated at discrete frequencies. The frequency in between may however in reality change over time. From the evaluation point of view, the history is seen as a number of constant amplitude blocks, each containing a number of cycles.
The number of frequency blocks depends on the number of frequencies, F, specified in the Frequency Domain study, where the stress response is computed at each frequency. A frequency block stretches between two evaluation frequencies and the stress response at the evaluation frequency that gives a higher stress value is used in the computation of the damage. As an example, in the figure below the stress response is computed at 7 frequencies in the Frequency Domain study. This gives 6 evaluation blocks. Note that blocks do not need to stretch over equal frequency intervals. If a computation is made around an eigenfrequency the stress response at this evaluation frequency will be used in fatigue computation for the both neighboring blocks of the evaluation frequency. The use of the higher stress for the entire block gives a conservative estimate. Due to the nonlinear dependence between stress and fatigue life, the larger stress cycles will dominate the fatigue life prediction.
Figure 3-26: Stress evaluation in sweep computations. The gray blocks indicate the stress used, whereas the points on the blue curve are the computed stresses.
Linear Frequency Sweep
The sweep rate is the change in frequency per time unit. This can be written as
where tb is the time duration of a block, fp+1 is the higher evaluation frequency, and fp is the lower evaluation frequency. The number of cycles in each block, nb, is evaluated using
Note that the subscript b is the block number while p is the frequency excitation number. The relation between these two is b = p − 1.
Logarithmic Frequency Sweep
In an experimental frequency sweep over a large range of frequencies, it is common that the rate of frequency change is given in octaves, which is a doubling of the frequency. The reason behind this choice is to give the same time for doubling of frequencies when evaluating frequencies of different magnitudes. The rate of change is then a logarithmic sweep rate, Cl, that is a proportionality constant between the binary logarithm of the excitation frequency and the time. The binary logarithm is the logarithm to the base 2. The relation between the time it takes to sweep between two frequencies, which in the computation is the block time, is given by
The block time is thus
The number of cycles in the evaluation block is obtained by integration of the frequency function