Corroding Electrode
The Corroding Electrode node implements Equation 3-7 (with no source term), Equation 3-8, and Equation 3-9. Use this node to define the seed layer thickness, the electrode thickness change, the electrical conductivity, and the electrode current density.
The electrode thickness change and electrode current density are typically coupled to an Electrochemistry interface that describes the current distribution in the adjacent domain and the electrode reactions.
Corroding Electrode
The Seed layer thickness s0 (SI unit: m) defaults to 1·10-4 m.
Enter a value or expression for the Electrode thickness change Δs (SI unit: m). The default is 0 m.
The default Electrical conductivity σ (SI unit: S/m) uses the value From material. For User defined select Isotropic, Diagonal, Symmetric, or Full depending on the properties of the pore electrolyte. Then enter any expression for the conductivity as a function of temperature. Then enter a value or expression in the field or matrix.
Electrode Current Density
Enter a value or expression for the Electrode current density in (SI unit: A/m2). The default is 0 A/m2.