Clip Box
Add a Clip Box node () to activate the clip box tool that adds a box for clipping a 3D geometry, including its mesh and results plots, to look inside it. You can add it by right-clicking a 3D View node or by selecting it from the Graphics window toolbar or the View ribbon toolbar. The Settings window contains the following sections:
Clip Box
This section contains the following settings for the clip box:
Select the Invert clipping check box to invert the clipping direction. Initially cleared, the Clip Box then clips what is outside th box.
Clear the Apply clipping check box, which is selected by default, to disable the clipping so that it has no effect.
The Show frame check box is selected by default to display a frame that indicates the outlines of the clip box and is highlighted when selected. Drag the frame to move and resize the clip box. For translation, click on any one of the edges and move the cursor in a direction parallel to that edge. For resizing, click on any one of the edges and move the cursor in a direction perpendicular to that edge. You have to release the edge first (mouse button) and reselect the edge again to perform the second operation when switching between translation and resizing.
The Show gizmo check box is selected by default to display a gizmo that indicates the clip box directions and that you can grab to rotate and translate the clip box.
This section contains the following sections for controlling the position of the clip box:
Click the Move to Origin button to move the clip box to the origin.
Click the Move to Center button to move the clip box to the center of the model geometry.
Under Translate, define the translation and translate the clip box if desired:
From the Translation axis list, choose a translation axis: x-axis, y-axis, z-axis, xg-axis (the default), yg-axis, zg-axis, or Custom. The xg-axis, yg-axis, and zg-axis are the local x-, y-, and z-axis for the clip box as indicated by the gizmo. If you chose Custom, enter the x, y, and z axis components in the Custom translation axis text fields.
Enter a value in the Translation amount field (default: 0.1 m, if the geometry length unit is meter) to determine how far the translation will move the clip box.
Click the Translate Forward or Translate Backward button to translate the clip box in the forward or backward directions, respectively, moving it with the translation amount.
Under Definition, you see the resulting coordinates for the clip box’s location.
You can also move the position of the clip box interactively in the Graphics window.
This section contains the following sections for controlling the orientation of the clip box:
Under Align, click the Align to x-Axis, Align to y-Axis, or Align to z-Axis button to align the clip box to one of those main axes.
Under Rotate, define rotation and rotate the clip box if desired:
From the Rotation axis list, choose a rotation axis: x-axis, y-axis, z-axis, xg-axis, yg-axis, zg-axis (the default), or Custom. The xg-axis, yg-axis, and zg-axis are the local x-, y-, and z-axis for the clip box as indicated by the gizmo. If you chose Custom, enter the x, y, and z axis components in the Custom rotation axis text fields.
Enter a value in the Rotation angle field (default: 30 degrees) to determine how much the clip box should be rotated.
Click the Rotate Clockwise or Rotate Counterclockwise button to rotate the clip box in the clockwise or counterclockwise directions, respectively, rotating it by the rotation angle.
Under Definition, you see the resulting coordinates for the clip box’s location.
You can also rotate the clip box interactively in the Graphics window.
This section contains the following sections for controlling the size of the clip box:
Under Adjust, adjust the size of the clip box:
From the Adjust size for all axes list, choose On (the default) or Off.
If you chose On, enter a value in the Size adjustment field to determine how much the clip box size should be adjusted in all axis directions. If you chose Off, enter individual size adjustments for each axis direction in the Axis 0, Axis 1, and Axis 2 fields.
Click the Increase Size or Decrease Size button to increase or decrease the size of the clip box, respectively, adjusting it by the specified size adjustment.
Under Definition, you see the resulting coordinates for the clip box’s location.
You can also adjust the size of the clip box interactively in the Graphics window.