Selecting and Clearing Selection of Geometric Entities
The sections About Selecting Geometric Entities and The Selection List Window give an overview of some of the tools and windows available to highlight and select geometric entities. About Highlighted Geometric Entities in the Graphics Window describes the different colors that display in the Graphics window to help you select geometric entities to include in your model.
Table 6-3 contains the description of the different ways to complete the same task of selecting (or deselecting) geometric entities.
In The Graphics Window, click the geometric entity to add it to an active selection list in the current node’s Settings window.
Open The Selection List Window and click entity numbers (or names); then click the Add to Selection button () to add it to an active selection list in the current node’s Settings window. You can also add an entity to an active selection list in the current node’s Settings window by double-clicking it or by right-clicking it and selecting Add to Selection.
In most Settings windows’ selection sections, the option to select All domains, All boundaries, All edges, or All points adds all geometric entities of that type to the list of selected entities. The selected items are highlighted in the Graphics window and all entities are kept selected, even if the geometry changes.
Open The Selection List Window and use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select all of the entity names (or numbers). You can also click the main geometry node to select all entities that the node includes. Then click the Add to Selection button () to add it to an active selection list in the current node’s Settings window.
In the Graphics window, click the Select All button ( in 3D), or click outside of the geometry or press Ctrl+A to select all entities. For Windows users, a Select All button is available on a customized Quick Access Toolbar. For macOS and Linux users, from the main menu select Edit>Select All. This highlights and selects all entities but does not confirm the selection or lock it if the model changes.
In the Graphics window, click the Clear Selection button (), or click outside of the geometry or press Ctrl+D to clear all selected entities. For Windows users, a Clear Selection button is available on a customized Quick Access Toolbar. For macOS and Linux users, from the main menu select Edit>Clear Selection.
In the Graphics window, click the Disable Mouse Selection button (). Then no clicks in the graphics highlight or select any geometric entities, which makes it possible to move and rotate the geometry freely.
In the Graphics window, click a red highlighted entity to add it and make it blue. Or select one or more geometric entities and click the Add to Selection button.
In the Selection List window, select the entity names to add, and click the Add to Selection button.
To select multiple parts of the geometry, in the Graphics window, click the Select Box list and choose Entity Intersects () or Entity Inside () (the default); then click and hold the left mouse button to draw a box over the geometry. The cursor changes its look to for Entity Intersects and for Entity Inside. It is like a “rubberband,” selecting all entities intersected (if you have selected Entity Intersects) or enclosed (if you have selected Entity Inside) by this operation. Using the Entity Intersects can make it easier to select entities that are hard to fully enclose. The selected geometric entities are added to the selection list. If you select Keep Enabled After Use from the Select Box list, you can continue to select entities using a box selection in the Graphics window.
In the Selection List window, use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select the entity names (or numbers). Click the Add to Selection button.
To deselect multiple parts of the geometry, in the Graphics window, click the Deselect Box list and choose Entity Intersects () or Entity Inside () (the default); then click and hold the left mouse button to draw a box over the geometry. The cursor changes its look to for Entity Intersects and for Entity Inside. It is like a “rubberband,” deselecting all entities intersected (if you have selected Entity Intersects) or enclosed (if you have selected Entity Inside) by this operation. Using the Entity Intersects can make it easier to deselect entities that are hard to fully enclose. The deselected geometric entities are removed from the selection list. If you select Keep Enabled After Use from the Deselect Box list, you can continue to deselect entities using a box selection in the Graphics window.
In the Selection List window, use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select the entity names (or numbers). Click the Remove from Selection button.
3D  2D 1D
In the Graphics window, click the Select Objects button. Click to select the geometry object and add it to the selection list.
3D  2D 1D
In the Graphics window, click the Select Domains button. Click to select the domains and add it to the selection list.
In the Settings window, select Domain from a Geometric entity level list and then click in the Graphics window. Only domains are highlighted.
3D  2D 1D 
In the Graphics window, click the Select Boundaries button. Click to select the boundary and add it to the selection list.
In the Settings window, select Boundary from a Geometric entity level list and then click in the Graphics window. Only boundaries are highlighted.
In the Graphics window, click the Select Edges button. Click to select the edge and add it to the selection list.
In the Settings window, select Edge from a Geometric entity level list and then click in the Graphics window. Only edges are highlighted.
3D  2D
In the Graphics window, click the Select Points button. Click to select the point and add it to the selection list.
In the Settings window, select Point from a Geometric entity level list and then click in the Graphics window. Only points are highlighted.
In the Graphics window, click the Disable Mouse Selection button to turn off all selections so that you can click in the Graphics window to move or rotate the geometry, for example, without adding any object or entity to a selection.
In the Graphics window, click the Select All button to select all objects or entities.
In the Graphics window, click to highlight and select the geometric entity to remove. Any blue geometric entity turns gray to indicate it is removed from the selection.
In the Selection List window, use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select the entity names to remove. Click the Remove from Selection button.
Click the Clear Selection button to clear all selections from the selection list.