Derived Value
The Derived Value node () runs a Derived Values node defined in the Results branch of the model tree.
Use the Evaluate Derived Value instead. The Evaluate Derived Value node replaces the Derived Value node and provides the same functionality in a more general way. The Derived Value node will be removed from the COMSOL Desktop in a future version.
To add this node, right-click the Parametric Sweep (Job Configurations) or Batch (Job Configurations) node and select it from the Results submenu.
You select the Derived Values node to run from the Run list. The default behavior (All) is to run all Derived Values nodes. The node label is therefore by default set to All Derived Values.
The Table setting decides in which Table under Results to store the computed values. The default is New for a new table.
From the Update table list, select one of the following options to control the behavior of table updates:
Clear initial table (the default)
Append data to table
Clear table for every new parameter value. This option clears the table for every parameter in the sweep.
The Parameters column in the Result table contains the parameters that computed the numerical value, the Value column contains the numerical value, and the Derived values column contains the name (tag) of the Derived Values node that computed the numerical value. The information about the derived values nodes is useful when you have selected All from the Run list and the computed values come from different Derived Values nodes. Click the Save to File button () and the Load from File button () to save and load parameters to and from a text file or, if the license includes LiveLink™ for Excel®, a Microsoft Excel® Workbook spreadsheet.