Coil Geometry Analysis
The Coil Geometry Analysis () study is used to compute the current flow of a Coil feature in 3D models. This is a preprocessing step that must be solved before solving the main study step (which can be, for example, Stationary or Frequency domain).
The Coil Geometry Analysis study and study step are available for 3D models using the Magnetic Fields interface and the Coil node (which requires the AC/DC Module). Use it to solve for the current flow in all Coil nodes that:
have the Conductor model parameter set to Single conductor, modeling a massive, solid conductor, or
have the Conductor model set to Homogenized multiturn and the Coil type set to Numeric. It gives the current density equivalent to that produced by a bundle of conductive wires in series.
The best results are obtained when the coil has a smoothly varying or constant cross section without sharp bends and bottlenecks. The local current directions are solved for by the specialized Coil Geometry Analysis study step.
The Geometry Analysis subnode to the Coil feature automatically appears to set up the automatic computation of the current flow in the coil. The boundary conditions for the Geometry Analysis are specified using the Input and Output subnodes available with the node. For information about the use of this study and its functionality, see the AC/DC Module User’s Guide.
The Mesh Selection and Study Extensions (Adaptive Mesh Refinement) described in Common Study Step Settings. There is also detailed information in the Physics and Variables Selection and Values of Dependent Variables sections.
With the AC/DC Module, see Multiturn Coil Above an Asymmetric Conductor Plate, Application Library path ACDC_Module/Inductive_Devices_and_Coils/multiturn_coil_asymmetric_conductor.