Table Annotation
Add a Table Annotation () plot to add annotations from a table to a plot. Right-click a 1D Plot Group, 2D Plot Group, or 3D Plot Group to add this plot type. First define a table to plot. This plot is also available from the plot groups’ contextual ribbon toolbars, under More Plots. Add a Transparency subnodes if needed (3D only).
Go to Common Results Node Settings for links to information about the Title, Coloring and Style, and Inherit Style sections.
From the Source list, choose Table (the default), Evaluation group, or Local table. For the two first options, then choose a table or evaluation group table with the data that you want to use for annotations from the Table or Evaluation group list below. Then, from the x-coordinates, y-coordinates, and z-coordinates (3D only) lists select the columns to use for the x-coordinates, y-coordinates, and z-coordinates, respectively: Select Row index to use the table’s row indexes (row numbers), or leave it at Automatic to let the software determine the input from the data in the table.
If you choose Local table from the Source list, a table appear where you can define the annotations by adding rows with coordinates in the x-coordinate, y-coordinate, and z-coordinate (3D only) columns and the corresponding annotations in the Annotation column.
When done, click the Plot button () to plot the table annotations.