Coordinate System Volume, Coordinate System Surface, and Coordinate System Line
Use the Coordinate System Volume (), Coordinate System Surface (2D and 3D ), and Coordinate System Line (2D and 3D ) plots to visualize the coordinate systems used in, for example, models of piezoelectric devices, where there can be multiple domains, each using its own set of coordinate systems. Right-click to add Deformation, Filter, Selection (Plot Attribute), or Transparency (3D only) subnodes as needed. Right-click a 2D Plot Group or 3D Plot Group node to add these plots from the More Plots submenu.
Go to Common Results Node Settings for links to information about these sections: Data, Title, Coloring and Style, and Inherit Style.
Coordinate System
Choose to plot a Coordinate system (the default) or a Matrix variable:
For Coordinate system, choose one of the available coordinate systems from the Coordinate system list. The default is None (no coordinate system). The coordinate system directions arrows are red for the first coordinate direction’s basis vector, green for the second coordinate direction’s basis vector, and blue for the third coordinate direction’s basis vector.
For Matrix variable, click the Replace Expression button () to select an available matrix variable from the list, which includes transformation matrices to and from the added coordinate systems and physical quantities that are tensors, such as the thermal conductivity. The selected variable (for example, ht.k) then appears next to the Matrix variable. Each row of the matrix is plotted as a vector. The first row is plotted in red, the second row in green, and the third row, if any, in blue.
This section is available for Coordinate System Volume and Coordinate System Surface (2D) plots.
In the x grid points, y grid points, and z grid points (3D only) fields, select an Entry method: Number of points or Coordinates.
If Number of points is selected, enter the number of Points in each direction (the default is 15 for 2D Coordinate System Surface plots and 7 for 3D Coordinate System Volume plots).
If Coordinates is selected, enter Coordinates (SI unit: m).