Images for Reports and Presentations
For details about the Images section settings, see the Images subsection under The Report Node and The Presentation Node, respectively; when the Images section appears in report and presentation subnodes that generate image output, it contains settings that allow overriding those of the global report or presentation for individual images, or in templates, for specific feature types, such as Geometry or Plot Group nodes.
From the Size list, change from the default setting Report image size (Presentation image size) to Custom to activate the Setting list, where you can choose how to override the global setting.
Similarly, from the Type list, change from the default setting Report image type (Presentation image type) to Custom to activate the Setting list and choose how to override the global setting.
From the Color theme list, change from the default setting Report image color theme (Presentation image color theme) to Custom to activate the Setting list.
From the Background list, change from the default setting Report image background (Presentation image background) to Custom to activate the Setting list.