Using Mesh Control Entities to Control Element Size
Figure 8-14 shows a 2D geometry with two holes and a Bézier Polygon that is intended not to be a part of the model but is included only to control mesh size inside the domain. This example is about Mesh Control Entities and uses a simple geometry.
Add a Mesh Control Edges () node from the Geometry toolbar, Virtual Operations menu () (or right-click the Geometry node and select it from the Virtual Operations submenu).
Figure 8-14: A geometry with a Bézier Polygon used to define mesh size inside the domain.
Click Build Selected (). Note that the selected edges are removed.
Add a Free Triangular () node from the Mesh toolbar. Note that the edges removed in the previous step are now visible again.
Add a Size () node to Free Triangular 1.
Select Extra fine as the Predefined element size.
Click the Build All button () or press F8 to build the entire mesh. Note that the edges of the Bézier Polygon are now removed (Figure 8-15) and that the only trace of them is the fine mesh size inside the domain.
Figure 8-15: Fine mesh inside the domain.
Mesh Control Feature Model Examples
For an example of the Mesh Control Edges feature:
In the CFD Module, see Turbulent Flow over a Backward-Facing Step: Application Library path CFD_Module/Verification_Examples/turbulent_backstep.
In the Heat Transfer Module, see Turbulent Flow over a Backward-Facing Step: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Verification_Examples/turbulent_backstep.
For an example of the Mesh Control Faces feature:
In the Battery Design Module, see Thermal Modeling of a Cylindrical Lithium-Ion Battery in 3D: Application Library path Battery_Design_Module/Thermal_Management/li_battery_thermal_3d.
In the CFD Module, see Airflow over an Ahmed Body: Application Library path CFD_Module/Verification_Examples/ahmed_body.