Create Domains
Use a Create Domains node () to create one domain for each (connected) finite void region that is defined by an imported 3D mesh. Together with the Free Tetrahedral operation, the Create Domains operation makes it possible to mesh imported surface meshes directly (that is, without creating a geometry) as long as the imported surface mesh is of good quality. Create Domains nodes are available from the Create Entities menu () on the Mesh ribbon or by right-clicking the main Mesh node.
A warning will appear for faces that do not become adjacent to any domain. For a Mesh node, an error will appear when you build the Finalize node if the mesh is incomplete; that is, if it contains unmeshed domains. This means that you must generate a mesh for the created domains before you can build the Finalize node. However, for a Mesh Part node you can build the Finalize node for a mesh that is incomplete.