The Mesh Statistics Window
For statistical information about the mesh element quality, right-click the Mesh node () and select Statistics (). The Statistics window includes information about the minimum and average mesh element quality and a mesh element quality histogram, which shows the relative frequency of mesh elements with different quality values. The window contains the following sections:
Geometric Entity Selection
Define the geometric entities for which you want to display the statistics. Choose the level of the geometry from the Geometric entity level list:
Choose Entire geometry to view statistics for the entire mesh.
Choose Domain to specify the domains for which the statistics is displayed. Choose Manual in the Selection list to select the domains in the Graphics window or choose All domains.
Choose Boundary to specify the boundaries for which the statistics is displayed. Choose Manual in the Selection list to select the boundaries in the Graphics window or choose All boundaries.
Choose Edge to specify the edges for which the statistics is displayed. Choose Manual in the Selection list to select the edges in the Graphics window or choose All edges. This option is only available in 3D.
Choose Point to specify the points for which the statistics is displayed. Choose Manual in the Selection list to select the points in the Graphics window or choose All points. This option is only available in 2D and 3D.
Element Quality
From the Quality measure list, choose the mesh quality measure to use for the mesh statistics:
Skewness, the default quality measure
Maximum angle
Condition number
Growth rate
Curved skewness
For more information about these mesh quality measures, see Mesh Element Quality and Size.
In this section you find information on the status of the mesh: for example, if the mesh is empty, if the geometry is partially meshed, or if the geometry is completely meshed. You can select the element type for which you want to see statistics from the Element type list. The default is to display statistics for All elements. The statistics includes the number of mesh elements of different types, such as tetrahedral elements and triangular elements. In the element statistics section below — for example, Domain element statistics — you find information about:
Not all these quantities are available for all options in the Element type list.
Element Quality Histogram
This section displays a histogram plot of the mesh element quality, using the selected mesh quality measure, for the specified element type and selection. The x-axis represents the element quality, and the y-axis represents the number of elements of similar quality. The absolute value of the mesh element quality is always between 0 and 1, where 0.0 represents a degenerated element and 1.0 represents the best possible element.
You can also create a histogram plot of the mesh element quality over the total area or volume of the elements by adding a Histogram plot to a 1D Plot Group and using a variable for a mesh quality measure as the expression.
Quality of Elements in the COMSOL Multiphysics Programming Reference Manual