Mesh Part Settings
Under a Mesh Part node you add nodes for importing and modifying an externally generated mesh.
The Settings window for a Mesh Part node contains the following sections:
Mesh Settings
Select the Build new operations automatically check box to allow new operations for this mesh part to build automatically. Clear the check box to require that the Build Selected or Build All buttons are pressed in order for the operations to build. The default value is controlled by the preference setting Mesh > Build new operations automatically. Select In new meshes check box to always build operations directly, unless overridden by the settings for an individual mesh part.
For mesh files that are unitless, the physical size of an imported mesh is independent of the length unit of the mesh part. For mesh files that define a unit, the imported mesh is scaled to match the unit of the mesh part, if the UseĀ units check box is selected. You can also select this check box to use the length unit and angular unit (which you specify using the Length unit list and Angular unit list, respectively) in the nodes appearing under the Mesh Part node and to specify the length unit of the resulting file when exporting the mesh to a file format that supports length units.
If the mesh part and the component referring to the mesh part have different unit systems, the resulting geometry is scaled.