MEMS Material Library
The MEMS material library, included in the MEMS Module and Structural Mechanics Module, contains several materials commonly used in MEMS applications. The materials are divided into metals, semiconductors, insulators, and polymers.
The basic structure of the library comes from the book Microsensors, MEMS, and Smart Devices (Ref. 1). The material properties come from two primary sources: the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (Ref. 2) and MacMillan’s Chemical and Physical Data (Ref. 3). Some of the mechanical properties in the library are more MEMS-specific values from The MEMS Handbook (Ref. 4), and most of the semiconductor properties are values from Ref. 5. Most of the PDMS material properties are based on Ref. 7, where Young’s modulus is based on Ref. 8.
Ref. 6 provides a valuable resource for cross-checking the insulation material properties.
Table 9-24: MEMS Materials
Al2O3 - Aluminum oxide/Aluminium oxide
Si3N4 - Silicon nitride
SiO2- Silicon oxide