The Joule Heating interface (

) is used to model resistive heating and, depending on additional licensed products, dielectric heating in devices where inductive effects are negligible; that is, when the skin depth is much larger than the studied device. This multiphysics interface adds an Electric Currents interface and a Heat Transfer in Solids interface. The multiphysics couplings add the electromagnetic power dissipation as a heat source, and the electromagnetic material properties can depend on the temperature.
When a predefined Joule Heating interface is added from the
Heat Transfer>Electromagnetic Heating branch (

) of the
Model Wizard or
Add Physics windows,
Electric Currents and
Heat Transfer in Solids interfaces are added to the Model Builder. In addition,
The Multiphysics Branch is added, which automatically includes the multiphysics coupling feature
Electromagnetic Heating.
When physics interfaces are added using the predefined couplings, for example Joule Heating, specific settings are included with the physics interfaces and the coupling features.
For example, if single Electric Currents and
Heat Transfer in Solids interfaces are added, the COMSOL Multiphysics software adds an empty
Multiphysics node. When you right-click this node, you can choose
Electromagnetic Heating from the available coupling features, but the modified settings are not included.
The Electromagnetic Heating multiphysics coupling node is described in this section.
Physics nodes are available from the Physics ribbon toolbar (Windows users),
Physics context menu (macOS or Linux users), or right-click to access the context menu (all users).