To create a rectangle, you can:
Right-click the Geometry node and add a Rectangle node to the sequence then define it in the Settings window, or
In the Geometry toolbar Draw group, from the Rectangle () menu, select Rectangle () or Rectangle (Center) (). Then draw the rectangle in the Graphics window. Also see Drawing Geometric Primitives in the Graphics Window.
To draw a rectangle for a 2D model, click Rectangle or Rectangle (Center). Then, click one corner (or the center) of the rectangle in the Graphics window. Drag the mouse to the desired position of a corner. When you release the mouse button, a solid rectangle appears, and a Rectangle node appears in the geometry sequence.
When you have added a node or finished drawing the rectangle in the Graphics window, you can use the following section to define it or fine tune it.
Object Type
From the Type list, select Solid or Curve to specify if the rectangle is a solid object or a curve object.
When using the geometry toolbar, the Solid button () is available to toggle between drawing a solid object or an outline (or curve) instead of selecting an Object Type. See Geometry Drawing Toolbar Buttons for other drawing toolbar buttons.
Size and Shape
Define the size and shape of the rectangle in the Width and Height fields.
Enter the position of the rectangle using the x and y fields (r and z in 2D axial symmetry, xw and yw in work planes). From the Base list, choose Center if the rectangle is centered about the position, or choose Corner if the rectangle has a corner at the position.
Rotation Angle
Specify the counterclockwise rotational angle (default: 0 degrees) about the position the Rotation field.
Layers can be used to create sandwich primitives by adding layers on one or more sides. You specify the thicknesses of layers in the Layers table, and optionally a name for each layer. The outermost layer comes first. Select the check boxes to specify where to apply the layers. Each layer must have a minimal thickness (depending on the size of the geometry).
Selections of Resulting Entities
Select the Resulting objects selection check box to create predefined selections (for all levels — objects, domains, boundaries, and points — that are applicable) in subsequent nodes in the geometry sequence. To also make all or one of the types of resulting entities (domains, boundaries, edges, and points) that the rectangle consists of available as selections in all applicable selection lists (in physics and materials settings, for example), choose an option from the Show in physics (Show in instances if in a geometry part; Show in 3D in a plane geometry under a work plane in a 3D component) list: All levels, Domain selection, Boundary selection, or Point selection. The default is Domain selection, which is suitable for use with materials and physics defined in domains. For use with a boundary condition, for example, choose Boundary selection. These selections do not appear as separate selection nodes in the model tree. Select Off to not make any selection available outside of the geometry sequence. From the Color list, choose a color for highlighting the resulting objects selection. See Selection Colors.
Cumulative Selection
If you want to make the resulting entities contribute to a cumulative selection, select a cumulative selection from the Contribute to list (the default, None, gives no contribution), or click the New button to create a new cumulative selection (see Cumulative Selections).