Editing and Building Geometry Nodes
The Current Node in Geometry Sequences
Once a geometry node is added, it is inserted in the sequence after the current node. To indicate the current node, it displays with a quadratic frame around its icon. When you have added a node, it becomes the current node, but COMSOL Multiphysics does not build it automatically. If you select a node and build it, this node becomes current. The frame is green () to show that the current node is built. If the current node needs to be rebuilt, the frame is yellow (). See Dynamic Nodes in the Model Builder for examples that show these icon additions for visual feedback about a node’s status.
Adding a Node at an Arbitrary Position in a Sequence
To add a node after an existing node, first select the existing node and then click Build Selected (), or right-click the existing node and select Build Selected. The selected node then becomes current. Then add the new node.
To add a node before an existing node, first select the existing node, right-click the existing node, and select Build Preceding () (or press F6). Then add the node.
Editing a Node
To edit a node, select it in the model tree and make changes in the Settings window. Nodes that you have edited display with an asterisk (*) at the upper-right corner of their icons in the Model Builder window. Nodes that depend on the edited node display with a yellow triangle at the lower-right corner of the node’s icon to indicate that they need to be rebuilt. To see the result of your edits in the Graphics window, you need to build the node. You can do this in two ways:
Click the Build Selected button () in the Settings window, or right-click the node in the tree and select Build Selected. This builds all nodes (if needed) from the first up to the selected node.
Click the Build All Objects button () in the Settings window. This builds all nodes in the geometry sequence above the Form Union/Assembly node (if needed).
Click the Build All button () in the Settings window or the toolbar, or right-click the Geometry node in the tree and select Build All. This builds all nodes in the geometry sequence (if needed).
Highlighting the Resulting Geometry Objects
To highlight the result of a node in the geometry sequence, click the Highlight Result button () in the Settings window. If that button is pressed, the resulting geometry objects are highlighted using a yellow color in the Graphics window. Click the Highlight Result button () again to turn off the highlighting. The state of the button is common for all nodes in the geometry sequence.
Automatic Building of Geometry Nodes
The COMSOL Multiphysics software can build the features represented by geometry nodes directly, such as when you:
Deleting Nodes
To delete selected nodes, right-click the nodes and select Delete () or press Del (the Delete key). Confirm the deletion of nodes for it to take effect.
To delete a geometry right-click the Geometry node in the Model Builder and select Delete Sequence ().
To delete geometry objects or entities, in the Model Builder, right-click Geometry and select Delete Entities (). Or select objects in the Graphics window, and press Del (the Delete key) or click the Delete button () in the Graphics toolbar.
If you use the Delete key or the Delete button to delete objects, COMSOL Multiphysics deletes the selected objects that correspond to primitive features by deleting their nodes from the geometry sequence. If you delete objects that do not correspond to primitive features or if you delete geometric entities, a Delete Entities node appears in the sequence.