Time to Frequency FFT
A Time to Frequency FFT study step, which you can add to a frequency domain study, performs a forward FFT from the time domain (input) to the frequency domain (output). As the default solver it adds an FFT solver.
model.study(stdname).create(fname, "TimeToFreqFFT");
Study step.
The following properties are available.
on | off
cont | discrete
on | off
Expression for window function (when set to fromexpr). Can be expressed in terms of t, freq, niterFFTin, and niterFFTout (if applicable).
fromexpr | cutoff | rectangle | gauss | hamming | hanning | blackman | tukey
sol | init
on | off
init | sol
auto | all | first | last | from_list | interp | manual | positive integer
Reference to study or "zero" for zero solution.
all | selection